Book roll, reading list...
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- As I Lay Dying
- Atomic Lobster
- Northanger Abbey
- The House on Mango Street
- Anasi Boys
- Manilius: Astronomica
- The London Companion
- Tales from the Tower of London
- London Walks
- The Phoenix
- Sword of God
- Villa and Zapata
- Paris: the Secret History
- Santa Fe Dead
- The Consolation of Philisophy
- Swine Not?
- The Dragon's Nine Sons
- The Fourth Bear
- The Big Picture
- Holy Moly
- Zen Flesh, Zen Bones
- Zen in the Art of Writing (Ray Bradbury)
- Hot Mahagony
- The Disappearance of the Universe
- Dance of Death
- The Lodger
- Citizen Marketers
- Spook Country
- The Fly on the Wall
- Shakespeare & Co.
- Brightonomicon
- The Shakespeare Wars
Always recommended:
- The Coyote Kings of the Space-Age Bachelor Pad
- The Gold Coast
- Santa Fe Rules
- The Stupidest Angel
- System of the World
- Blessings in Disguise by Alec Guinness
- The Teeth of the Tiger
- Swimming to Catalina
- The Clerkenwell Tales
- Demons & Angels
- Skinny Dip
- Dress your family in corduroy and denim
- Thunder God by Paul Watkins (available from Faber & Faber, UK)
- Yoga for people who can't be bothered to do it by Geoff Dyer
- A Door Into Summer by RAH
- Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas
- The Zenith Angle by Bruce Sterling (good read)
- Kill Two Birds & Get Stoned by Kinky Friedman
- Confusion by Neal Stephenson
- Speed Week
- Fandom of the Operator by Robert Rankin
- Buck Fever by Ben Rehder (highly recommended)
- The Prisoner of Vandam Street by Kinky Friedman
- Urban Tribes by Ethan Watters (highly recommened for birthdays between 1960 & 1983)
- The Slaying of the Shrew by Simon Hawke
- Cadillac Beach by Tim Dorsey
- Eat Shoots & Leaves
- Quicksilver by Neal Stephenson