WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT KRAMER, Fishing Guide to the Stars:

Kramer's Fishing Guide To The Stars - Kramer Wetzel's Texas-sized astrological readings. Weekly horoscopes updated once a week. Vast amounts of reference (ever wonder why your Virgo moon makes you so serious? find out!). For a price, Kramer will put a Hubble all over your stars; you'll be self-actualized before you know it.

Or for a little backcountry wisdom, drop in at Kramer Wetzel's trailer in Austin, Texas. This former motorcycle mechanic considers Shakespeare his soul mate. He also reveres the King, so after you've reeled in his quirky FISHING GUIDE TO THE STARS, drop a line into his Elvis & Me section and view a rather fishy photo of Kramer standing alongside a young Elvis.

—A.F., July 1999 Yahoo! Internet Life magazine, page 138

And as usual, thanks mucho por los fine-ass horoscopes that you do so well.

You have some rabid, rabid fans.
Gregory Kallenberg, Austin American Statesman

Austin American Statesman XLent Magazine, Jan 14, 1999 -- The people have spoken and made this redneck fisherman-astrological site numero uno and the winner of the "People's Choice Pebble."
Gregory Kallenberg, Austin American Statesman

Y'know, I just thought I'd let you know that your horoscopes are probably the most creative and entertaining ones out there.... I think there's definately a reason your page is one of the most common links out there, and I hope I'm not the only one who recognizes you as a leader in the net's astrological community.

"Hey Astro-boy:
You are always, always right. It's amazing."


Austin American Statesman's XLent magazine for Jan 1, 1998, page 6:
"7) -- Here, you'll find Kramer: Fishing guide to the Stars. This local astrologer, who fancies himself Shakespeare's soulmate, actually writes some pretty coherent and funny horoscopes. What's so amazing is how accurate he is. Under my sign, Scorpio, he predicted I'd be doing a year end project and Voila!"

Gregory Kallenberg, Austin American Statesman


"EasyScope Award for Unique Writing Style"

"I LOVE your forecasts for me. Yes, I am a Virgo...."
Rose Marie

"The other celeb worth checking out is Kramer, Fishing Guide To The Stars. Dubbing himself the "astrology home buoy", this folksy prognosticator, who offers weekly forecasts and a variety of paid services, treats the whole job with a refreshing lack of reverence...."
The Sydney (Australia) Morning Hearld, May 14, 1996

"Psychic Kramer - seer of past, present and fuscia"

I like what you're up to and especially your commentaries about astrologers; keep up the good work!
Antero Alli

"As the old Billy Davis-Marilyn McCoo song said: 'You don't have to be a star baby, to be in my show.'"
E. Smith

How can we show our gratitude to you for your Bubba Buddha Zen Wisdom?
With many many thanks and respect -

Debbi Kempton-Smith

Your astro attitude and humor is quite re-fweshing and causes 98% fewer cavities!
Hasta Lumbago! Eric

You are a trip, sir.......myself and my Sagitarrius Moon salute you!

Simplicity..simplicity..simplicity... You must be the Thoreau of Astrology or the Lewis Grizzard...

Cool. There's a reason why I say, "Kramer knows all, sees all and is the f***ing coolest fishing guide to the stars!"

"Thank you, Sir Kramer Wetzel, the Shakespearian Seer and Adept Astrologer."

"Kramer, I just want you to know you're my fishing guide cause you've got a clue."
dAVE (

"I see that cutting down on caffeine has not affected your Total Weirdness Quotient."
Actual e-mail from Kramer's Doctor

"You really are crazier than all hell."
-- Thighboot

"Duuude! Thanks for all the help and support; you're kinda like a 12-step jock strap."
-- Troy "Stud Muffin" Messina (

"I don't know why I bother with you when you can't come up with a decent Scorpio horoscope."
-- Jane A. Wetzel (Kramer's Mother)

"Waiter, there's a Presley in my soup."
--Bigstar, courtesy of Flaming Angel Films

"Rock stars, astrologers, they're all the same."
— Ben McConnell

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