Monthly astrology and related fishing news

"Women want me
Fish fear me"
[from a hat Ma Wetzel just gave me]

Early to bed, early to rise
Fish all day, make up lies.
[modified doggerel verse to live by from FGS World Headquarters]

Astrological overview for the month of January: While I appreciate my dear Mother's attempt to properly evoke her feelings of my career, I suspect that the slogan on the hat is a little misleading. I wonder if it isn't a little better reversed some way. But I can dream, now can't I? And dreams are big this month as Neptune is getting good and comfortable in Aquarius, settling in for a long winter's nap. Which is a good idea, but I don't think it will work that way for the rest of us...

Venus pretty much stays in Aquarius all month long, and Mars is in Libra for the largest part of the month, making a sudden transition in late January to early Scorpio. Don't get too pleased with Mars, though, he'll be back in a little while. Jupiter is still lurking along in Pisces however, I wonder if that's the correct way to address Jupiter's action in Pisces.

Aries: To be truthful, I was really thinking about using my rusty quote from Ulysses and his little comment about "taking but one degree away," but I feel like I've over used some of the comments from that play. However the sentiment remains the same for this month, it's but a single degree that we all sense a growing bit of improvement in the Aries Camp. We ain't out of the Saturn Woods yet, but it's getting closer and this is a month when you can feel the palpable rhythm of the planets getting better. While there might be minor Martian upset earlier in the month, even this somewhat untoward offense gets out of the way by the end of the month.

Taurus: There is a great day of reckoning coming, only, it isn't this month. I know you've been promised a lot by various visionary types, but I would hold onto my Taurus wallet before I gave any of these people a cut of the take. I mean, you keep getting promised a large prize, just make sure it's a prize that you want to share. Or that it's something that you can share. A game fish can be cut up into pieces and shared like that, but I've found that it more equitable to toss those game fish back into the lake. That way, we can all share in the sport of catching that sucker again. Be a little more than caution when dealing with yearly prognostications from people who claim to understand you but might not.

Gemini: I'm not kidding, and I'm not making this one up, but you little Gemini types have a great shot at a new romance. Of course, every waking minute with a Gemini can be like a new day, that seems to be the prevalent Gemini attitude. So this new "love thang" might be a new spin on an old fling, but I tend to look at this as a new one. It's the odd Mars and Venus influence, and this is strong influence all month long. At one point, the attraction gets stronger, and towards the end of the month, it does wax and wane a bit, but that's what I've always liked about Gemini's, you just never can tell.

Cancer: The New Year gets off to a roaring good start. However, some of this bellowing sounds a little rough on the ears of the other signs of the zodiac, let's face some facts here: we're not used to a a demur Cancer personality having a mighty good time and making a lot of racket. Still, that's not going to slow you down any. In fact, you're pushed this month, but influences beyond your immediate control, these coerce you into having a good time, most of the time. There's a little bump up ahead this month, the ubiquitous "speed bump in the parking lot of life," but you're still more driven towards new successes than ever before. Of course, this does all start out right after the big New Year Holiday weekend. Which, as I have suggested before, does look like a mighty good time for you.

Leo: Not every Leo is going to feel like this. And certainly not all month long, but there will be a high degree of a certain type of escape desire which will appeal to you this year. It reminds me of the quaint Texas tradition of water skiing, on the lake out side of Abilene, every Jan. 1. Texas weather being what it is, the guys who mark this tradition have had beautiful, warm days for their tradition. They have also had days when it was virtually iced over. I would suggest that you look into just such an activity this month, something to mark the beginning of the new year. I would be a little worried about the extreme nature of your celebration, though, because I personally have a hard time seeing you trying to water ski in the snow.

Virgo: On a road trip, you can never tell just exactly where you are going to find the fabled "enlightenment" that is promised. You never know what twist in the road holds the magical moment. It could be a message written on the all of a bathroom in rest stop, perhaps in the hinterland. Or, it could e the shape of the coffee grounds, in a coffee pot in some backwater motel. One of the recurring themes this year, however, is that little "coffee packet" which so many of the motels are using now -- it makes it darn near impossible to get a good reading from the grounds unless you "accidentally" spill it open. Accidents which leave a giant rip in the fabric of Virgo reality, especially if it occurs while traveling, are going to be good this month, be prepared to take advantage of these symbols.

Libra: Mars plays havoc with you all month long. It's not like you aren't already used to this sort of planetary behavior, not at this point, because you've had him playing a vicious game of hide and seek for the duration of the holiday period. With Mars, and to a lesser extent, Venus over yonder, you've had one strange event, one weird twist of fate, right after another. Just when it couldn't get any worse, it did. Then, the next day, just when things couldn't get any better, they did. See what I mean about the way Mars is going to heighten your focus? I just wish there was degree of clarity that came with this, but you're just going to have to stay tuned until next month for that.

Scorpio: We need to be looking a little farther ahead than just this month. And I'm forced to quote a little bit from Oscar Wilde, as well, "Always forgive your enemies -- nothing annoys them so much." You can sense, at least I hope you can sense, what direction this is going in. It works out to be okay in the long run, it;'s just this one of those months when you need to hope that your enemies are going to be willing to practice that fine art of forgiveness, too. Yes, my dear Scorpio friend, you will get your chance. It's just not to be this month. I promise that a break is coming along, but learn to be extra kind to your fellows. Besides, it really does make us wonder about you.

Sagittarius: We need to get a special Sagittarius shield like device that will help protect us from the influence of Mars. Mars starts out this month is Libra, and that's good. In fact, Mars does us a lot of good, at first. But as the month gets older, and the influence of the planets begin to drift in other directions, this kind and benevolent Mars moves towards a degree of high excitability. Normally, this is a good thing. Normally, too, we ain't facing the end of a Millennium, though. Normally, well, maybe there isn't a whole lot that is normal in the Sagittarius world. It's going to be a good time to clean up up some old messes before heading off towards the great new dawn which is approaching.

Capricorn: There is a degree of frustration which begins with the new year. I realize this will gain me absolutely no points whatsoever with the Cap Camp; however, it does get better. As the month gets shorter, that means, as we all approach the end of the month, this degree of frustration begins to lighten up some. In fact, as the days get longer, even though this a is a barely perceptibly shift, but as the length of the daylight increases, you get one step closer to having a degree of resolution in your chart. And happy birthday, too.

Aquarius: this whole "new year" thing sure looks like it holds a lot of promise. In fact, it looks like it's going to be a great beginning to a new year. Shortly after the first, Ms. Venus come sliding into your sign. Now, if we all refer back to a previous page in the astrology book, we will find that both Uranus and Neptune are already in your sign. Add Miss Venus to this mix, and you have a sure fire recipe for love. Grant me a little degree of latitude in this month however, because no two Aquarius fish are going to react the same way to the same kind of bait. What worked really well last month for catching a new love might not be the right bait this month. Venus will assure you of a catch, I'm just a little worried that it might be a weird one rather than a true keeper. But that's you decision to make after you've reeled them in.

Pisces: It's a good month. No two ways about it. Of course, I will have one Pisces, still, who will complain about this month. Now, please dear, give it a chance. There is one area of your life that isn't going to be so hot. This would involve the guy with the heart shaped things, the little cherub with the bow and arrow. Looks like he's hunting right now, and so is Pisces. I'm sure you are worried about the big day next month, but until Venus gets herself into Pisces, I think you had better let the "looking for love" thing alone. The problem with this month is that it becomes the "looking for love in all the wrong places" tune.

(c) Kramer Wetzel, 1998, 1999

Feel free to forward this stuff onto your friends, or enemies, we don't much care, but remember, it has to be kept intact right down to the signature to make the lawyer happy.

Jan. 2 & 3, El Paso, TX
Jan. 9, New Age/Whole Life Books, 1006. S. Lamar, Austin, TX
Jan. 16 & 17, Austin, TX
Jan. 30 & 31, Las Cruces, NM
Feb. 9, New Age Books, 1006 S. Lamar, Austin, TX
Feb. 20 & 21, Corpus Christi, TX

Want more? Kramer's on tape now, "Caught Live" It's a funny look at astrology, with a serious intent, and no sign is left unturned.

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