Subject: August Monthly Astrology & Fishing News of the World

[Enter certain Nymphs] "You sunburnt sicklemen, of August weary,
Come hither from the furrow, and be merry.
Make holiday: your rye-straw hats put on,
And these fresh nymphs encounter every one In country footing.”
In Shakespeare's "The Tempest” [act II, scene iv]

August Overview: There's part of the annual Eclipse cycle happening this month, and that's going to have a little impact on the Fixed Signs because it's along a Leo/Aquarius axis. And then there's Pluto who is stopping, standing still and turning around. And then there's Saturn who is standing still, and then there's Mercury. Mercury is going to do a dance step that looks a lot like a "Moon Walk” all through Leo. So it's not like this is an easy month for the fixed signs at all, and especially Leo. But it's not without some redeeming features. If I can figure out what those redeeming features are, I'll be sure to let you know. I'd just get prepared to employ as many of the Mercury Bunker techniques as possible this month. A vacation sounds like a good idea, but check out that schedule, it doesn't look like I get a vacation at all this month.

Aries : One of the nicest things I can say about this month, for the Sign of the Ram (built tough) is that you're going to have an interesting time. I realize that school is not always one of your favorite places, but for some reason -- it's a real planetary influence -- school and its associated activities seem to be high in this month's schedule. Now, remember that Mercury is retrograde in another Fire Sign, and that you need to be careful. While summer reading, trying to get a few of those novels out of the way before the class begins, is a great idea, just make sure you get the right reading list this month. Nothing is worse that reading all the Tragedies, only to discover that the syllabus calls for the Comedies, instead. And this month does have a comical ending, even if you don't feel it at first.

Taurus : Saturn has been making himself at home in your sign for a few months now, it's not like you're not used to his energy, and what he does to you. This month, he turns a little more stubborn than usual, and then starts a backtrack. This apparent rear guard motion is going to benefit you, in the coming months. Regrettably, right now, it doesn't help a lot. Now, be extra careful this month about who you direct attention to because you don't want this coming back to haunt you later. And with Mercury back spinning in Leo, there is a high probability that you are going to spend a certain amount of this month covering old ground, going over stuff you thought you had covered before. Consider it a review period for the good months ahead.

Gemini : Most Gemini's do not like the period of time when Mercury is retrograde. However, this one isn't really so bad for. It does mean that a relationship "issue” will be back for a visit. When that particular issue shows up on your front doorstep, though, I cannot plead with you enough about caution. You really need to be careful with your own heart. I would beg even further, but the sign of me groveling in front of a Gemini is not really a pretty picture. However, I'm sure that this scene will make sense to you. If not immediately, some time this month, it will make a lot of sense. Careful with the Gemini Heart Patient this month -- sooner or later, you will agree, I'm darn near sure.

Cancer : Mars and Venus are just wrapping up a little visit and a timely conjunction in your sign. But like a cowboy friend who has stayed on your couch just a little too long, the relationship arena is going to turn into a veritable rodeo arena this month. I don't like to see Cancer's pitched into the dirt and sawdust, so I can't express the idea of being extra careful about what you expect out of the planets this month. Turmoil is nice word. Now, in proper Cancerian fashion, you can do something about this: nothing. I believe it was Mark Twain who remarked that a well timed pause is better than a lot of words. With Mercury doing his thing, a well-timed pause would help you a lot.

Leo : I've warned you. I've done the best that I can. But there's just not a lot I can do about your roller-coaster ride this month. Now, if you've been studying FGS Astrology 101, you know that I've been suggesting that you plan a party. And let's face some hard, cold facts here: when life gives you lemons, some Mexican beer is in order. Eschew the cliche expression about lemons to make lemonade. It just doesn't work, and the highs this month are incredible. And lows are commiserate with those highs. Look: Mercury chooses to make its tracks all the way through your sign this month. And Mars, as well as Venus, not to mention a few lunar cycles all track through your sign to top it all off. By the time Virgo gets here, late in the month, I'll promise that the dust begins to settle. But it's going to be really fun. Just don't take ANYTHING too seriously this month. Even Astrologers. Perhaps that should be ESPECIALLY astrologers.

Virgo : There is a bright side the dimly picture painted for the planets' motions this month. I know there's a bright side, if I could only find. I left it laying around someplace and seem to have misplaced it. And so goes the first part of this month. I'm not saying it's all dim, but it isn't the best of times. But take heart, Gentle Virgo, and if you can't take heart, find some other body part and take it. Mercury Mayhem is convoluted and confusing in the early part of the month. The Sun moves into the Tropical zodiac sign of Virgo on the 23rd, and guess what? Mercury goes "direct” at the same time. How nice. That means you can quit worrying about your birthday month. It's just getting there that's going to be a bit of a chore.

Libra : The Royal Road to Romance, the high trail which leads to adventure and acclaim is laid out for you by the planets this month. But like all great trips, this one is getting off to a rocky start. It feels like you're riding pack horse up the twisted trail of some mountain. To make matters worse, things which are ruled by Mercury, like fishing poles, will spend a lot of time getting snagged in the branches. And don't look down, just be grateful that the pack horse knows his way. What's the reward at the end of this tortured trail? There's a cool mountain stream with lots and lots of fish. It isn't frequented too often, and the fish will bite at just about anything. See what I mean about luck? It comes at the end of the month.

Scorpio : Being a nice, stable, fixed sign, you're going to feel this month is like one of those mile-long freight trains, careening through the night. It's a long train, and it is inevitable. Rather than trying to race it, or trying to beat the odds, just relax a little bit. You're at the crossroad right now, and the best thing to do is to wait out the train. Wait until it passes. Wave at the guy in the caboose. Then proceed. You don't want to look like cartoon Coyote this month, and that could happen, if you act impatient. Of course, patience is going to be in short supply. Maybe plan accordingly?

Sagittarius : This month is a review period. There's going to be a test coming up soon enough, and this is the time to get ready for that test. But for right now, this is only a test. And you're going to feel like everything is being tested. Just about every aspect of your life is going to require a degree of close scrutiny this month. In fact, some parts might rather mutiny than scrutiny, but you'll be able to quell the insurrection. I hope we can keep the rebellious parts in line right now. In fact, a good repetitive stress reliever would be the phrase, "This is a Test. This is only a Test. You will be returned to your reality in a little while....” Study hard.

Capricorn : If it's not one thing that's stuck making you uncomfortable this month, then it's something else. Just about every time you turn around, you're going to face a few weird obstacles. Fortunately, you're Capricorn, and the weirder it gets, the better you respond. While other signs might be struggling with this month and the vents that occur, you're going to find that you keep getting strange answers to bizarre questions. And more than any other sign, you're in a position to come up with some pretty "creative” answers to problems proposed by other signs.

Aquarius : The problem with this month is most of the activity is concentrated on the other side of the zodiac, except for one, lone part of the eclipse cycle. And Neptune does finally back out of your sign. While the month has its upside and downside, the seesaw effect is going to feel a lot more like one of those mechanical bulls so popular in many nightclubs. You don't have to get on the bull this month, but be prepared to deal with some of the side effects of a real bull, as opposed to the mechanical kind, because you're going to have some of this land in front of you, one way or another this month. The good news is that it it's only a little bit, and you can step around it if you're careful. It's not like a dump truck is showing up with it.

Pisces : Even though your old fashioned ruler is now moving at a leisurely pace backwards, there is a little bit of gravel in the solar system which gives it a tickle. And no, Mercury Retrograde doesn't affect Pisces. It does affect the rest of us, though. Anyway, this stellar gravel and Jupiter make a pass at each other this month, and this little conjunction is going to yield some beneficial insight. Now, when does this hit for you? It all depends. But the event does occur this month, and it does mean that you have a chance to advance your own agenda against what seems like insurmountable odds. Play the long shot and surprise the rest of us -- you'll know when.

FGS World Tour -- August, 1998:

Aug. 1 & 2, Austin, TX New Location: Omni Hotel, SOUTH I-35
Aug. 15 &16, El Paso, TX
Aug. 22, New Age Books [1006 S. Lamar]

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