Subject: Nov. Astrology & related fishing news

"The Princes both make high account of you--
[aside] For they account his head upon the bridge."
Catesby in Shakespeare's Richard III [III.ii.68-9]

Astrology Overview: Nov. 1 is called various things, but the easiest way to remember it is that it's Ma Wetzel's birthday. And what a special Scorpio month it will be. One of the bigger events of this of this month is gradual movement of Neptune into Aquarius again. Stay tuned for what that will be like. The late degrees of Cardinal signs ought to be feeling a little relief from this one. Saturn gets to about the lowest he can go, so there is a degree of relief of coming from his torment, too. Pluto is marching forward in Sagittarius, and that's good news for the Archers; however, Mercury will be doing an almost quarterly backspin later this month. You all know the drill about Mercury retrograde, and yes, it's fixin' to happen a little later this month, in the poor sign of the Archer. Have pity on folks who celebrate birthdays this month.

Aries: There's a single hump in the road ahead -- and like Richard's "high account" -- you just want to be sure you don't lose your head during this heated moment. While the first image is drawn from a 400 year old play, the next metaphor is perhaps a little more apt as you drift along towards the big celebrations this month. I believe it's in the fineprint someplace, but you do need to watch for a low bridge, up head. It's a good month as long as you remember to watch out for your individual "low water crossing." Nothing is worse than misjudging the headroom you have.

Taurus: You're going to find that this month is going to test your patience, one more time. I have complete faith that you will pass this test. Just be aware of would-be sycophants who claim to have your best interest at heart. "Really, this will hurt me more than it will hurt you..." is the most common phrase. I wouldn't want to suggest that it's an untruth, but I would urge you to examine that idea closely. Unlike me, it looks like they ONLY have you purse strings in their hearts.

Gemini: It's going to feel like frightfully long and dull month, I mean, at first. As the month draws to a close, though, activities all seem to pick up. In fact, you're going to feel like one of those commercials on Classic Television, you know the one I'm talking about? Sure, and that will be what happens, just like the Golden Age of TV, just the holidays get closer. The marketing department has an eye out for the Gemini Department, and it looks like you will be grabbing that favorite Gemini device, the telephone, and trying to dial that special phone number on the screen. The biggest problem with classic, golden age hype is that the number no longer works. When Mercury is retrograde, later in the month, you're going to be stuck with dead phone numbers.

Cancer: As much as one certain Crustaceous individual would have us all believe, I DO NOT pick on this sign. But this is a good month, at least most of it. In fact, a lot this month is a good month. Doesn't much matter what you're looking for, be it love or money, you're bound to get one or the other. In fact, despite the little, and some would suggest imprecise, movement of a particular planet, the later part of the month holds a lot of promise because some minor objects in the heavens start to line up a little bit better. Love or money, pick one and enjoy.

Leo: Please be patient with me, my fine fire sign. You are the best fixed fire sign, and you don't want to be taken advantage of at this point, now do you? So work with the constraints of the Sun signs and exercise caution for the first part of this month. As long as the Sun is in the tropical sign of Scorpio, it is in a fixed sign, hence little problems. Then comes Sagittarius. And even though Mercury does go retrograde about the time of Sagittarius, you will be feeling better. Then, by the time the holidays get here, let your hair down and do what you do best: Party On!

Virgo: Mars decides to "hang out" with you for most of this month. And Mars can be both good and bad. It all depends on what you do with his archetype energy. If that's too big of a word, try thinking about monster trucks and BBQ grills. Definitely outdoor, Sportsman like things. Got it? Careful with the lighter fluid, though, because Mars can make you a little over zealous. Nothing is worse than having the fire department show up with lights flashing when you're just setting down to grill up some steaks or smoke the turkey. If you have extra supplies, you might do the nice thing and invite the fire department to join you until the next Virgo fires up the grill across town.

Libra: You balanced types will love me about the time my birthday gets here. Until then, though, Mars stays in Virgo, and that's not a good place for you and Mars. However, if your willing to try a few Virgo tricks, like real or allegorical house cleaning, you will find some balance. Maybe even before my birthday. I think it's the Zen dudes who use the expression, "chop wood, carry water," although, I might have my Eastern religions a little confused, it could be Greek Orthodox. But whatever the philosophy is, the concept of a little hard work, alone, this month, is simple. It is supposed to yield some surprisingly good results.

Scorpio: There is a small movement afoot that would have my dear Mother deified, sanctified, and inducted into a holy order of some kind. I sure hope my sister gets over it. Now, the deal is this: there is a lot of
astrological movement afoot right now. In fact, most of it is good. So have a happy birthday, but don't forget to watch out for that pesky Mercury RX thing coming up. I can make a fairly safe promise and suggest that it certainly won't be your head on the bridge, if you know what I mean. Perhaps more than one Scorpio should be headed for some sort of honor, like my dear Mother.

Sagittarius: You know, there could be better ways to spend the holidays than having an errant Mercury visit upon our little Archer heads. I wonder if that makes us Arrow Heads? But there you have it. Now, if you're the good soul I think you are, while Mercury Retrograde is upon us, have some fun and quite taking some of those other people so seriously. It is, after all, the holidays. And this marks my big 29th birthday celebration, too.

Capricorn: I know you guys are just getting geared up for next month, but we ain't there yet. And until we make it "there" -- you still have some little reminders that the present month could use your help. I hope that's not asking too much. I would never want to feel like I was indebted to a Capricorn, especially at time like this, but you Caps need to go easy on calling in old markers. The other 11 signs should take note of this and go easy on you, too. Now concentrate on this cooperation thing, and you will be surprised at the good results it will yield. It's just a matter of getting it all together.

Aquarius: You know you can always count on the other signs to help you along. Just when things feel like they can never get any worse, you can take look around you and see that, yes, they can get worse. But not for Aquarius, and not for this month. There is a barely perceptible shift that is going to make you feel better. All month. And if this tiny incremental movement doesn't make you feel better, at least you can enjoy the illusion of feeling better. This "feeling better" bit, real or imagined, applies to all Aquarius except that one special one I always hear from when Mercury is retrograde. But this little mercurial cycle isn't bad, not at all, not even for that one Aquarius.

Pisces: The good stuff is just getting going, and wham, there's a little Mercury retrograde to deal with. Fortunately, you don't let little Mercurial influences get you down. However, like I always try to warn my the best mutable water sign in the zodiac, "Don't worry and don't panic." You might feel like this Mercury thing slows you down because it slows the rest of us down. And just when you get the cold shoulder, I'll promise that there is nothing but warmer things ahead for you because Jupiter turns around this month. "Let's Party!" might be your new expression.

(c) 1998, Kramer Wetzel
Laete cenaremus quos nos subigant

FGS World Tour:

Oct. 25 & 25, Austin, TX
Oct. 26-30, left coast shuffle
Oct. 31 - Nov. 1, Albuquerque, NM, State Fair grounds
Nov. 8, Whole Life Books, 1006 S. Lamar, Austin, TX
Jan 2 & 3, El Paso, TX
Jan 16 & 17, Austin, TX
Jan 30 & 31, Las Cruces, NM

Want more? Kramer's on tape now, "Caught Live"
It's a funny look at astrology, with a serious intent,
and no sign is left unturned.