
Subject: Top ten for St. Pat's Day

Precedence: Joke

The "know when to say when" top ten--

10] If you're English and your royal family is beginning to look attractive, you've had too much--

9] If you're Jewish, and you're no longer taking advantage of the drink specials, you've had too much--

8] If you're Baptist, and you openly admit you're drinking whisky and coke, you've had too much--

7] If you're Hindu, and decide to try the bar's "Surf and Turf" special, you've had too much--

6] If you're Canadian, and decide you'd rather have Light Beer, you've had too much--

4] If you're from Arkansas, and decide to ask your waitress out to breakfast (even though she's not related to you) you've had too much--

3] If you're Newt Gingrich, and you decide that Chelsea looks pretty good, now that she's college age, you've had too much--

2] If you're Bill Gates, and you decide not to buy the bar, you've had too much--

1] If you're Texan, and you order a drink with some fruit and an umbrella , you've had too much--

[we pawned "5's" for more beer money]

Kramer Wetzel AOL

Keyword: Kramer


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