Go Spurs Go

Go Spurs Go

Go Spurs Go

Naked Came the Florida Man

Naked Came the Florida Man

Naked Came the Florida Man – Tim Dorsey

“What could possibly go wrong?” (Serge, page 2).

With glee.

“Blame history.” Page 3.

And the rest, as they say, is history.

Cheetos. The book is best read if consuming Cheetos. The color hides the evidence of the strangely sticky Day-Glo orange Cheeto dust.

“It took forever, but one of the strongest motivational forces in the universe is irony.” Page 160.

The term Florida Man — first encountered in this type of literature, think it was the same character who introduced it…
Naked Came the Florida Man
There’s now a whole sub-genre of fiction dedicated to whacky Florida antics. Which doesn’t do,justice to title’s allusion, about Googling news stories about what a man in Florida did.

Sidebar: type bacon therapy into a search engine … chapter 16?

I started reading Bubba’s gray-market “Advanced Reader copy,” but switched to a real copy since I kissed the release date. Bubba collects those things. Bubba is to Texas what Serge A. Storms might be to Florida. Without the cereal killing.

And what’s with the 1969 Plymouth Satellite?

Naked Came the Florida Man

Naked Came the Florida Man – Tim Dorsey

Concatenate, def.

Concatenate, def.

verb (used with object), con·cat·e·nat·ed, con·cat·e·nat·ing.

to link together; unite in a series or chain.


linked together, as in a chain.

In formal language theory and computer programming, string concatenation is the operation of joining character strings end-to-end. For example, the concatenation of “web” and “blog” is “weblog”.


con·cat·e·nate (kŏn-kăt′n-āt′, kən-)

tr.v. con·cat·e·nat·ed, con·cat·e·nat·ing, con·cat·e·nates

  1. To connect or link in a series or chain.
  2. Computers To arrange (strings of characters) into a chained list.

adj. (-nĭt, -nāt′)

Connected or linked in a series.

(via free dictionary)


Pink Cake: The Quote Collection – Kramer Wetzel

Pink Cake

Pink Cake: A Commonplace Book

  • ISBN-10: 1434805751
  • ISBN-13: 978-1434805751
