Separation of Church and State

Separation of Church and State

A long, near, and dear topic, and I use this term, almost interchangeably, with situtions wherein the technology — as an example — the technology parts are best served if they are kept in separate containers.

Separation of Church and State

This is a weblog, a “blog,” and what an ugly term that is. Its roots have to do with two sources. In part, this is a “public access” dear diary scenario. As much for me as for consumption. Some good, some bad, some useful, some male bovine by–product.

The orignal tag line, the sub-heading?
“Experimental & Experiential.”

That tags the other part of what this is, purely experimental.

A good example was a half–dozen years back, I was toying with moving towards a WordPress motor–driven set-up for the site, and I needed a place to road–test the material.

Take the shrink–wrap off the software and run it up and down the access road at full–throttle. Bang it through some corners and see what scraped.

Or, hold it underwater for a few minutes, see what leaks.

Quality control: try and break it.

Separation of Church and State

Experimental and experiential.

Best if “Church and State” are separate.

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