

Not just Techno-Shamanism, but Techno-Shamanism – style.

I tend to carry, largely symbolic, a set of tarot cards when I travel and work. It’s about roots, and it’s about symbols.

The image is one of my time-care worn decks, pulled out hastily to convey a thought. It’s about my version of Techno-Shamanism, and applied in this day and age.

The Magician Card typically has four elements represented, these are tools at the magician’s command, symbolically?

Wands are Fire, Cups are Water, Disks (coins) are Earth, and Swords are Air.

In quantum physics, as we’ve discovered, over the years, the four “elements” of alchemy respond well to the four states of matter, with disks being solid, cups being liquid, swords being gaseous, and wands being energy. Four states of being. Four sets of symbols. Four images on the table — or altar — at magician’s behest.

I’ve used variations of the “Burning Bowl” ritual, over the years, more as a symbolic gesture and less as a true shamanic practice, but as such, it holds up well.

Write down a wish list. Preferably red ink on parchment, but I tend to use a sheet out of those ubiquitous reams of copy paper – and a red sharpie. Burn the list at the appropriate time, keeping local fire regulations in mind. I tend to do this over a BBQ fireplace. Ashes are then rinsed out and used to fertilize the ground.

Burning releases the wishes to the universe to fulfill, water washes them into the earth. All the elements, fire, air, water, and earth are represented.

Techno-Shamanism is a big part of how I employ Lunar Cycles to invoke change in one’s life.

The Magician

The Magician

Something tangible with ritual to firmly set the intentions. Can’t get help on something without asking.

Bell, book, and candle shall not drive me back,
When gold and silver becks me to come on.
The Bastard in Shakespeare’s King John 3.3.12-3

Fire: to release

Air: fuel for thought

Water: to cleanse emotions

Earth: return to substance

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4 comments… add one
  • wendy Oct 10, 2015 @ 12:31

    this is great! 🙂

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