

  • Cycle: 88 days
  • Mercury rules: Gemini and Virgo
  • Keyword: Reasoning
  • Glyph: Winged cap of the Roman God Mercury, messenger of the gods
  • Mercury is like a hyperactive child, perhaps that's because the planet makes a complete trip every 88 days. No wonder this planet was named for the messenger of the gods: It behaves like a package delivery man, behind schedule. Another comparison for this planet is Pee Wee Herman.

    Mercury is the indication of your intellectual orientation and the expression of your thoughts and ideas. In other words, it describes the way you think and communicate, as well as the way you receive and are willing or able to accept information. Mercury also describes your most likely means of physical and mental transportation. Do you speed with all possible haste or amble along taking a few detours here and there?

    To understand Mercury's total implication, remember that its sign position is influenced by natal Mercury's house position and the aspects Mercury makes with other natal planets in your natal chart. When Mercury is retrograde, really watch out.

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