- Horoscopes for 2-11-25
Horoscopes for 2-11-25
“Alack, our terrene moon Is now eclips’d, and it portends alone The fall of Antony!”
Antony in Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra (III.xiii.153-5)Horoscopes for 2-11-25
- Venus into Aries 2/5
- Full Moon 24°6’ Leo/Aqu. 2/12
- Mercury into Pisces 2/15
Happy Birthday. Usual complaint? What is Valentine’s Day doing in Aquarius? Anyway, moving on, as the planets shift around, mostly Mercury exiting Aquarius, there’s a chance to achieve some heartfelt Aquarius goal. Something you want. Something you perceive that you need, and I’d agree, you deserve. Then again, I tend to agree with Aquarius because I find them immensely academically enjoyable. Could be me. However, there’s an easier way to get what you want, and this is about crafting up a message that gets your point across while seemingly agreeing with what the other person is saying. See how this kind of rhetorical device works? “I agree you’re right and if we can just add on that, by coming at this, from over here, I think you’ll see how we can build upon how you were most correct…” Little wordy, but I am known for verbosity in the face of more sublime authors. “If I had more time, this would be shorter,” as the expression goes. This is about starting with common, shared experiences, and then building out towards that very Aquarius goal or destination. It works by agreeing. “You are so right!”
Only happened a couple of times, but given the disposition of everything? I’d watch out for this one, and it’s one I know — intimately — rather well. It’s just the worst when your girlfriend’s kid doesn’t like you. Boyfriend’s kid, whatever the situation, but I can only write from my own experience, and that’s the girlfriend’s kid really not liking me much. “Oh, he/she like you, just you know, a bit stand-offish; give her/him time.” Hear variations on a theme, time and again. There are some who suggest kids are better judges of character, and in one example, from my own life, the kid was correct. But that belies the other times when I was a (relative) paragon of virtue, especially when compared with exes. This isn’t about me, and this is about Pisces and what Pisces might be feeling. It’s that situation where you think you can’t win. Time. Time, patience, a certain kind perseverance, but not pushing it, just setting off to one side, and letting matters run their courses. Let fate and destiny change the mind of the offspring, is the simplest way to see it. Over time, I won over a number of kids without trying, and that, Dear Pisces, is the clue. Don’t try so hard. Look: I know the feeling; I’ve felt this before, been in a similar situation. Time will fix this. Mostly.Aries
“I’m leaving and not coming back for you…” It was just a snippet from the radio, background noise, sounded like the twang of a county or western singer, add some guitar chords. That’s what this week feels like in Aries Land. It’s not what it is like, but it certainly is what it feels like. It can be any one of number of “I’m leaving you scenarios,” played out against the backdrop of the Aries reality, it’s not really what’s happening. But sure feels that way. I blame the planets, mostly Mr. Mars, but there are other contributing factors, largely derived from the marketing divisions of the big retailers, but that’s about it. Blame who you want, feel sorry for yourself, or think about a simple gesture to be nice to someone else. Simple as that.Taurus
There’s got to be a kind of universal, “Feb. 15” card. Some kind of a “I forgot the date, and didn’t do anything” sort of forgiveness gestures. Something. I’m still hunting for ideas, and I haven’t found anything useful, yet. I used to specialize in buying flowers after VD because they were substantially less expensive. Some near wilted, too, but I didn’t much care, the flowers never lasted that long. Besides, I buy flowers all year long for my one, true love so I don’t have to buy flowers on VD. The other option? Get a VD card, and have it ready for Feb. 15, “I got you this, but didn’t have time to get it to you.” That might work, as well, as this year, the theme is contrition rather than abundance and joy. How this plays, individually, will vary, but think about reasons why we’re sorry we didn’t hit the day just right, but the moon was just full, and that upset everything, and to a Taurus? I mean everything.Gemini
My personal favorite pizza? It was always Jalapeño and Anchovy. I can’t make this one up, the roots go back to legends among Italian Mobsters, pizza joints in Texas, and my own, weird tastes as they emerged. While now more a joke than a topping, at one time, Anchovies were luxury topping for pizza. Most of my friends disagree. Living in Texas, jalapeños are a culinary requisite. Combining the two? Perfection. One year, it was a special gift, a heart-shaped pizza that jalapeño and anchovy. That was one time, someone listened, and because it was from a distance, it was safe. Heart-shaped pizza. Old Austin favorite, no longer a thing. Nor, for that matter, no longer something I’m interested in, as other people tend to turn their collective noses up at my choices. Their loss, Gemini, their loss, Gemini. I’ve laid bare my weird tastes, and how that was once served. Now, for the big holiday, and beyond? One weird item, one strange taste, one way you like food-beverage-attire. Doesn’t have to be a food, but that’s as good an example as any, right? Get that one thing for your Gemini selves to mark this holiday season.Cancer
There is a frequent confusion of the terms “church,” “religion,” and “spirituality.” Of the three, the first and the last are the most connected, or maybe, it’s the first two, or possibly, the last two. “Church” is defined as a place, but in a larger sense, it can embody the teachings, directions, leadership, texts, and the preferred belief systems. So that can be region, as well, or a “religion” is the precepts, agreed upon beliefs, so it’s the directions, leaderships, and texts. Might be a place, too. “Spirituality,” though, is more knowing, and experiencing; however, that knowing and experiencing can take place in the confines of a church or a religion — or “other.” For the sign of the crab, the Moon Children, Cancer? Of the three, one — or more — of those elements has to come into play. Will come into play. Is integral in your immediate future. There’s a religious -slash- spiritual -slash- church oriented passage in the next few days. Embrace that mystical connection, however it shows up and whatever works with your individual belief systems.The Leo
Instead of a stereotypical Leo grand gesture to mark the holiday? How about a small actions that all lead to a large conclusion that works in concert with the holiday? The Lunar cycle cumulates a little before the holiday itself, and that’s leaves the Leo fraught with a kind of unusual indecision, despair, and forgetfulness. Instead of one grand gesture, try a number of small ones. Instead of sweeping changes on a grand scale, as normally befits The Leo? How about incremental course corrections that result in a new direction? Celebrate whatever the situation is, alone, together, solo, married, conjoined, separate. Looking at current conditions? There’s a shift, not a change, just a shift, not far ahead. To be ready for that shift, not a change, just a shift in perception, a new direction for The Leo? To be ready? Incremental and small offerings instead of a single, grand gesture.Virgo
There’s a young woman I see on an infrequent basis. She works for a company that I use, from time to time, so I might see her, as an employee, once a month or so. Sometimes, she’s not even there, and it’s a job that is open. But in the warmer summer months, I noticed this one had a big Scorpio tattoo on her shoulder. “Scorpio?” No, she’s not a Scorpio, not does she have a Scorpio Ascendant or Moon, none of that. She was just infatuated with the symbolism. As a good Virgo, it reminded her to occasionally imitate the action of the Scorpion, and swing that tail around to get even. It also scared some people off. Like me. I’d see that Scorpio tattoo, and it would frighten me away, thinking, “Uh-no, not a Scorpio.” She’s not a Scorpio, a good Virgo, which is a whole host of problems unto itself, but for right now, and moving forward? Plot revenge like a Scorpio. I didn’t say act on that plan,, but maybe plot out some elements where those who have wronged good Virgo so those individuals get their just desserts.Libra
Happy loving Libra holiday: VD. It’s about tending to the business. And the Libra business might be different from other folks. So there’s that. But tending to the business side of the business means, to me, for you, there’ s certain amount of filling, caching, putting numbers down on paper, and looking at them, then moving those numbers around, and then? Making a simple prognostication — or two. Projections, based on recent trends and possible variables. Then there are sets of extenuating circumstance that must be accounted for, and then? This gets to be too much, but you get the idea. I prefer to sketch with a pencil, at least the first time. I tend to think in terms of “rough draft” because, well, the planets are where they are, and that means, no final form. But rough draft, sketched out idea? Something, commit something to paper, in a manner of speaking.Scorpio
I looked down. I was running along at a hair over 70 MPH. Headlights in the rearview were fast approaching so I signaled and moved over a lane. After I moved over, the vehicle behind slowed, but was still moving substantially quicker than me. Eventually, the truck passed me on the left, best guess, a little under 80 MPH. Glancing left, it looked like I was moving backwards. My speedometer registered, like I noted, a little over 70 at the time. Think the speed limit was 65? That feeling I was moving backwards? Obviously, I’m was hurtling down the turnpike as fast as I was comfortable, it’s just a misguided perception. Which is a guideline for Mars, Cars, and the way appearances are, and how that might not be how it really is. Scorpio, moving backwards? I doubt it. Appear to move in retrograde motion? Always a possibility. You’ve been warned — glean what you will.Sagittarius
Old joke? About lining up all of one’s ex-lovers, and seeing a progression of mental processes? I’m not in favor of trying to line up a group of ex-lovers, as I don’t think anything good would come of that. While I try to be compassionate, I wasn’t always the nicest of people. Moving on, this is about figurative, not literal, line-up of Sagittarius former lovers. Look at the progression, look at the similarities, look at what is common — a familiar element across the grouping. I’m glad to note that I never had a particular “type,” that makes me feel a little more egalitarian. Not an ass. It’s about patterns that begins to emerge. One friend back in Austin, she always joked, I hope it was a joke, about looking friends and their personalities in the DSM, v. 3? v. 5? Not sure what edition is current. But think this through, Sagittarius, look at that over-arching pattern.Capricorn
The Full Moon on Halloween is like this. I mean, Valentines Day, kind of the same, all make-believe and spooky. There’s an abundance of sugary sweets? All about the same. Mars makes this less than wonderful, and the Full Moon exacerbates the problems associated with the backward motion of Mars. It’s not unhappy, just not as salubrious as it could be. It’s all part of a slow, arcane dance-step. One foot forward. One foot back, shuffle, twist, one forward, one back. Looks like we’re pretty much in the same position as before. Done correctly, this Capricorn shuffle leaves us just where we started. Which is the point. A little poorer for the exercise, but richer in self-knowledge that it’s another dance step that doesn’t quite advance our Capricorn agenda as quickly as we like. It’s not failure. It’s another data point in larger set of data.
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