- Horoscopes for 3-4-2025
Horoscopes for 3-4-2025
“Get you to bed again, it is not day. Is not tomorrow, boy, the ides of March?” Brutus in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar (II.i.39-40)Horoscopes for 3-4-2025
- Full Moon 23°56’ Pis./Vir. Eclipse 3/14
- Mercury RX 9°33’ Ari. 3/16
- Sun into Aries 3/21
- New Moon 9°0’ Ari. Eclipse 3/29
Many years distant, I pulled a shift, a Friday night shift, as a bartender. I was in the process of showing the employees that I still had the spark, the drive, and the necessary skills to sling whisky like that. I was also anticipating certain amount in tips, and that was money that I had decided I would spend on certain luxury items for myself. This was a very long time ago. Fortified with coffee, against the din and haze of the young night, or a night filled with youth’s desire, the throbbing music and flickering neon from the old days? This is a singular memory that popped up when I was toying with the Pisces Charts, and what’s ahead. I worked a regular shift, about ten hours, with a few hours of management tacked on either side, so a 12 or 14 hour day, and the tips I made was lot less than what I was used to making. At the end of the night, the only person I proved something to was myself. I proved I could do it. Didn’t make as much — in tips — as I thought I should, but that’s the elastic nature of being a tipped employee, and can’t ever count on that as dependable income. As “management,” at the time, I was salaried, and that wasn’t much, either. However, I did prove that the old guy — me — still had it in him to pull the regular Friday night shift, typically the busiest shift there was. Pisces? It’s about Pisces Proof (of concept).
While I arrived at this kind of arrangement more from a classically trained, Greco-Roman philosophy, this can also derive from Eastern Mysticism. Either way works. Some of the Judaeo (clergy) Mystics can come to the same conclusion. In essence, this traverses, basically, just about any philosophical, metaphysical, or religious background. Dig in. The roots are the same, and it certainly crosses genres. Different sources? Same conclusions. It’s about a form of self-denial, or making do with less, and thriving for the lack of resources. Aries: you do not lack resources, it’s just now is a time, a few weeks, figure out how to do more with less. Less is more, in another way of seeing this. The ascetic monks from the old days, the zen masters with nothing but a cup, or an ancient Greek thinker, under a tree with no other belongings? Sure. That’s how this works. This isn’t for a long time, but next few weeks? That ascetic, stoic lifestyle choice goes a long way to furthering your own Aries cause and Aries betterment.Taurus
Hang around long enough, and listen to enough people, listen to the words themselves? Eventually, there’s some brilliance in there. Determining what’s the brilliant message, and what’s the dross? Figuring out how to separate the good stuff from the bad material? Or how to tell what’s pure filler, and what’s got some meat on its bones? A good editor is a godsend. Even a mediocre editor is a gift from the heavens, and what Taurus needs now is an editor. Before you spit and post? Before just dashing off a few lines, and calling it “good enough?” Run it through a spell-check. Run it past a good friend who you trust for a clear judgement call. “Is this too touchy of a subject?” My favorite, and one that I’m inclined to err on the wrong side, “Is this in poor taste?” If that’s the question, then the obvious answer is — it probably is. It might be questionable, too soon, too near a deadline, in bad form, or some other version of “not a good idea at the time,” but whatever it is? Seek an outside editorial board to review it before you submit, post, or comment. Maybe don’t ask me, either, as I thought it was mordantly funny and brilliantly satirical.Gemini
Old joke, and I’ve I used it before in presentations, “Never in the history of telling someone to ‘calm down’ has anyone calmed down.” Bit sexist in its original version, but I’ll let that stand where it is. There is a great day of reckoning on fast approach, but that day, that moment, that reckoning as served up by fate, furies, or, planets and people? Not this week, and not within the scope of this scope. However, as a good Gemini, I want you to be ready for that moment, when it arrives. It’s not happening quickly, and the operative term for Good Gemini? Set yourself off to one side, and observe. “You know,” the Gemini says to me, “if they don’t move? They’re going to get run over.” Then, moments later? Splat. Run over. Now, if you’re a good Gemini, you wanted to rush over there beforehand, and try to prevent the accident, and that doesn’t work. Some people have to learn things the hard way, bereft of good Gemini counsel. Get ready, in about ten days or so? “Wow, looks like that hurt, didn’t you hear my warning?”Cancer
The tag line on the ad ran, “Free online degrees for seniors,” and that sounded enticing. I like furthering my education, and I like the idea of more letters after my name, and the most engaging part of that line? “Free.” Likewise, it sounded good, but all it was? Click-bait. Nothing more than a stupid engagement link, and it didn’t lead anywhere. I know; I tried. The idea was captivating, until I figured out that it was just eyeballs and intrusive advertising. I spent a portion of one evening looking for the least-expensive, accredited graduate programs; although, for the life of me, I can’t figure out what I would study. Metaphysics, pop psychology, astrology, English Literature, creative writing? In the last couple of decades, I’ve furthered my own education along all of those pathways, by sheer will and curiosity, perhaps more rigorous than some formal study. Perhaps less structured, who knows? This is about pulling on a thread and seeing where that takes you. My excursion taught me that there are no really “free” programs, and what I do now to further my education seems to be adequate. You wouldn’t know it, but I have a lot of grammar books.The Leo
I’d long since lost track of what generation, or level, coffee is at. Starbucks was long considered either 2nd or 3rd Wave coffee, and what I recall, when in a little town in West Texas, Starbucks had decent enough coffee compared to the drip from the convenience store, coffee that sat on the warmer overnight. So I was surprised, not my usual stop, but one morning headed to work, I paused at a Starbucks and acquired an expensive bag of the good stuff. Single source from a farmer in Central America, hand-roasted, and individually bagged, I kept thinking this was a dime bag of coffee, except it was closer to $20. Lasted less than a week. I drank it as individual pour-over, French Press, and my usual Chemex. The first two times I was definitely not impressed as there was no distinct flavor, no floral hints, and fruity undertones. The last few beans, done in my Chemex, though, I could detect an earthy vibe to the flavor — might just be me. For myself, the really expensive artisanal flavored, individually farmed, hand-roasted, whatever, coffee beans from Starbucks? Not worth my money. This is about the third time I’ve tried the good stuff. I’d stick with tried and true, and dollar for dollar, Starbucks Italian Roast always seems to work. As The Leo, the finest is what you usually go for, and don’t be surprised if the more expensive isn’t any better than the regular stuff.Virgo
The first notion that springs to my mind is none to kind to most Virgo. It’s about how to handle a situation and what I would do, but I’m not Virgo, so my response is best considered wildly inappropriate. Works for me, but probably doesn’t work well for gentle Virgo, not that we don’t like the idea, but no. Just no. My first “gut instinct,” that first blush, “here’s how to handle that” thought that pops up? Pops in? “Seeps in” is more like it, but that first one? No. Just, no. I might make it work, but I’m not Virgo. That should be clear by now. Love me some Virgo, but no. Just, no.Libra
The old rub, and it’s just that? But the old saying? “Obstacles are just cleverly disguised opportunities.” Try running with that one. A personal, and rather dated one, from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, and one I trot out too frequently, “Nothing’s good or bad but thinking makes it so.” There’s a little bit of both in the week ahead, and the way to be best prepared? Libra moderation. “But I’m always moderate!” So she says, but experience? Going a little overboard trying to prove moderation? Where does that land us?Scorpio
Running away is not a solution. Running away is avoiding a problem. Running away won’t fix anything. Running away is a sign that you might be trying to avoid the discomfort of the situation. Far be it for me to lecture a Scorpio, or any sign, for that matter, about avoiding responsibilities, but there’s a hint that this is one — take it straight on. Head on. Straightforward, whatever expression, whatever works for getting this confronted now, and dealt with, now, rather than later. “Sooner rather than later,” best expression I’ve heard. Now, rather than then. Or as soon as Scorpio possible? Sure, that works, as well. But avoiding it? That compounds the problem, and I never want to see that happen to Scorpio.Sagittarius
This is a tough one, but with what’s up ahead and around the corner, astrologically speaking? For Sagittarius? We don’t have to be the hero in every story. Sure, it’s nice, and in my mind, I am the hero, in the Sagittarius mind’s eye, we can always see us as the hero. But we’re not, and we don’t have to be. Stories need villains, although, we make piss-poor villains, but there are also times when bystanders, onlookers, or, watch enough legal thrillers, there needs to be some audience members, people in the gallery, or, my favorite, “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury.” Think about supporting roles, think about the multitudes who do the work in the background, and the ones I always like, the key grips. The PAs, the assistants, and administrative detail people who really make everything work. Those are the real heroes, and in this situation, next few days? We don’t have to play a leading role to be a hero. Sometimes, sitting quietly off to one side as an observer, or as a member of the jury, that’s all it takes. “The camera pans slowly over the jury members and then back to lawyer, as he closes his case in a stirring monologue.”Capricorn
Let me be an example of what a good Capricorn ought not do. Got it? I’m a good example, by my actions, of what not to do. Got it? It was a simple post of some normally fluffy social media, and I was just poking around for fun. There is an amusing amount of bad astrology that I wind up following, just because I know what everyone seems to be discussing at the moment. Along that line, I happened across a poignant political comment that doesn’t fall into my own thinking, but was very funny — to me. I am sick and twisted, probably not in my right mind. I just reposted the joke. Couple of my old Austin friends sent me private notes, asking if I was OK, or if my account had been “hacked.” I’m fine; it was just in fun, and apparently, too close to call for one too many people. I smirked, didn’t even laugh, just sort of smirked and went on about my day, as it was humor, and the attempt, the point, the target, made the humorist look bad, way I saw it. Not everyone sees it like that. Good Capricorn? Hint? Be extra careful with “humor,” both wet and dry.Aquarius
Seems like the best time to remind you, my dear Aquarius friend, there are no easy ways around this. The direct path, ostensibly arduous, but also the simplest, the one right in front, over the top, around the side, whatever that particular route might be? The more challenging the passage, the better the payoff when we get done. We will get done, and I’ll be there, at your side, exclaiming what a wild ride it was, or, more likely? I’ll be behind you, complaining then questioning why this is the best way to go, since there is clearly a shorter, less adventuresome route, just over there. The hard way isn’t always the best way, but look at the map, look at the schematics, look at the details, and although this particular pathway — this week’s Aquarius path — looks the hardest? It is, in fact, the easiest way. Can’t shirk the toil.
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