• Horoscopes for 10-15-2024
    “Gracious my lord, I should report that which I say I saw, But know not how to do’t.”
    Messenger in Shakespeare’s Scottish Play (V.v.29-31)

    Horoscopes for 10-15-2024

    Venus into Sag. 10/19 @ 2:29 PM Sun int Scorpio 10/22 @ 5:15 PM


    Libra “The road to perdition is paved with the best of intentions.” Not the exact quote, but close enough, and it shows what I was trying to illustrate for the week ahead in Libra. Kind thoughts, hopes, and prayers are all fine, but the real answers are in acts of service, rather than talking about it. However, that being noted, we’re going to spend a certain amount of the leftover Libra time talking about it before any action can occur. I’d ask for a little conversation, and little more action, but that’s not how this week unfolds within Libra’s scope. There’s a certain amount of discourse, discursive materials to be much bantered about then plucked apart, sewn together, and then shredded again before there can be any action. It will happen, but first?
    Happy Birthday, too, should we talk about where we’re going for the birthday celebration?


    Want something fixed? As the good Scorpio, yes, there is something you want fixed. I’ll agree, it should’ve been fixed some time back, but in order to get this fixed, now? There’s a certain kind of motivation needed, and while I certainly listen and obey every Scorpio command, having learned the hard way, I’m not sure other people get it. The other signs, they might not be as bright. So, to get this fixed? The person or persons who need to do the fixing? It has to be painful for them. In fact, it has to be more painful for the person or persons who can fix this, it has to be more painful if the situation is left unfixed. It has to hurt. That can be physical discomfort, unwanted attention from supervisors, emotional pain, or whatever. The path to Scorpio success lies along the route of the least amount of pain. Pain to change is less than or greater than the pain to remain the same?


    Certain literary characters live on my mind. Figures from popular fiction who are so evocatively wrought, I can’t shake the idea that they are alive. In many cases, these are not real people, or like historical fiction, based upon real people, but fluffed and primped to be more presentable. Taller, slimmer, more steely-eyed, better coiffed, and so forth, usually better attired. The trick, for Sagittarius? Don’t confuse the literary depiction of a certain character with a real person, living or dead. Understand the line between fiction and fact. As good an example as any? “The book was better.” I’ll read book then see it on the screen, and the book tends to be better as I have my understanding of what the descriptions means; how to interpreted what is on the page for myself — for my Sagittarius self. There’s an up and coming astrological event that’s going to tilt a lot of material sideways. Start practicing the new Sagittarius skill-set: telling fiction from fact.


    This is a rerun of a previous horoscope, but it just fits so well. It’s also an homage to the grand days when cartoons were less politically correct, and cartoon physics played a bigger hand in the way the world worked. The one I was thinking about? It’s a picture of highway tunnel, painted on the side of a mountain, so the protagonist should get splattered trying to follow the highway into the tunnel. Got an image? What happens in the cartoon, though, is that the protagonist, usually a roadrunner, runs straight into the image of the tunnel. The antagonist, Wile E. Coyote? He looks at the tunnel, and then car comes barreling out, and flattens him. Using this metaphor at the beginning of the week, one Capricorn buddy suggested it was so true for him — he had that haggard look. Flattened by the cartoon car. This is a time when “Looks can be deceiving,” and just because you painted a tunnel? Or there’s a tiny light headed your way? Make sure it isn’t a train.


    I was looking at an Aquarius adjacent influence. Not in Aquarius, per se, but close at hand. Leaves a lingering mark even though it isn’t in the Sign of the Water Bearer. Not about your own sign, assuming you’re Aquarius, but about material that is really close at hand, and pervasive influence, even if it doesn’t actually fall in Aquarius. Nearby? Close? I lead with Aquarius adjacent, and to my ear, that sounds best. Neighborly, to some, next door? Just across the line? Born and raised in Texas, I’m used to wide open spaces. My way of seeing “right next door” can be up to miles distant, all depends. So this week’s Aquarius answer is like that, the definition of “right next door” can vary, as it is situational, but the answers? That’s where they are, just around the next corner, oft occurring Aquarius adjacent.


    In certain situations, like what’s unfolding in this week’s Pisces? Set short, quick, easily-obtainable goals. In its simplest form? I looked at my own check list. 1. Get out of bed. Check mark by that goal. 2. Drink coffee. Again, took some fiddling with a grinder, scooping out some beans, and boiling water, but finally, a check mark by that goal. Two goals before the rest of the day has started, I’m off to a good start. What’s going to be that third Pisces goal, following my suggested start? Look: you’ve already got two items on the list checked off, so we’re off to a positive beginning, and doesn’t that help?


    Comes a time when only one is required. Comes a time when a single action speaks louder than a torrent of words. Comes a time when a simple, decisive yet poignant and singular event is all it takes to make that message clear. Or, more important, to make that Aries message clear. Here’s the trick: just one. Just a single note. Just a single word, maybe just a simple gesture. Not doing too much to belabor your rather valid point? That helps. It’s simple, really. The quiet vessel makes the most noise? The silence is deafening? Or, what is most likely? “What did you say?” When that happens, repeat the simple message. Can be as easy as just saying, “Yes,” or “no.” All up to you, Aries, but simple — and singular — is best.


    Before Google and other search engine industries? But after the electrified version of the library’s card catalog? There was a sweet spot for research as it was both still trudging through endless stacks of documents, and assembling bibliographies from electronic searches. Of course, google and progress ruined this, but I was there, in that sweet spot with dial-up access, and card catalogs that were just being digitized, making some research easier, if one knew how to let one’s fingers do the walking. So to speak. Not quite a shortcut, but it did make it lot easier to pull strings of important data from a large body of work. At the moment, this is what works for gentle Taurus: pulling important strings of data from a huge body of work. Search results are just that, and those seem too loaded with ads, advertising, marketing, and some material that looks like a ringing endorsement but ends with an affiliate link to “buy” thereby garnering a commission. Think analog, or think analogous research, and look beyond the first few hits. Google doesn’t know everything; computers can only give us facts.


    Inward and outward. Or, to be more concise? “Inward.” And? “Outward.” For a while, I characterized myself as an “Omnivert,” with both introvert and extrovert characteristics, able to hang with a crowded room and also able to hang out alone. Either way, didn’t bother me, and to this day, doesn’t bother me. I don’t have a need to be around people. Look at my preferred methods of communication — two primary contact points are listed — e-mail and postal address. That’s so there’s a little bit of a boundary between me and, well, people. But when I like it? Drop me in a crowd, enjoy concert-like events, and work at crowded shows myself, that’s good, too. So there’s a balance of “inward,” and “outward.” This is an example for decent Gemini, that balance point that includes both, some of being around lots of people, and some of being alone, lost in your own thoughts. Both are needed, and best to make some time for both, this next few days. Both? Yes, both “inward” and “outward.”


    Are you a denizen of the real world, or are you citizen of dream land? I’ve functioned in the real world, and I find it uncomfortable, fraught with tensions, demands, misguided perceptions, and other problems. In my imagination, I’m taller, thinner, a little more youthful, and certainly less sedentary. Personally, I would like to remain a resident of the fantasy world, with all its richness, gentle contours, and elegant soft textures. Moon Children, the Cancer Crabruns into a split as this week falls apart. The two worlds, real and unreal? They wind up at odds with each other, and there are choices to be made. Look: I like the unreal world of dreams, too, but it’s just not tenable at the moment. Jump back into the real world and deal with what has to be dealt with, then we can go back to dreaming about a perfect world.

    The Leo

    I happened into this career backwards. An interesting exchange of ideas, the origin stories support this, and then the gradual unfolding of directions, destinations, and derived methodology. There wasn’t a target, and I had no particular route, I just let myself be moved by spirit, a modicum of intuition, and let the cards fall where they may. I learned, the hard way, not to argue with the Fates and the Furies, as they have better ideas than I do. For The Leo? Let the cards fall where they may. Play what hand you’re dealt. Argue not with the Fates and the Furies, as they have much better plans in store for the Majestic Leo, something much better than you can dream of for yourself. However, the message? Don’t argue with the subtle shifts that push you in a different route than you were planning to take. Might be surprised in a good way, you know?


    There are days when I don’t know how to respond. Sometimes, it’s just the question, other times, it’s the phrasing of the question, and occasionally, the question itself. I’ve often heard, “There are no dumb questions,” but there are, and in some cases, this isn’t a rhetorical use of the question. So before you ask the question, Dear Virgo, before you let the words fall out of your mouth, as we move headlong towards Fall Festival events and dubious timing? Think, maybe ask yourself, “Do I know the answer to the question I’m about to ask, does it sound like a stupid question, or should I just be quiet and let this fool in front of me dig himself a deeper hole?” Off to one side, a certain Virgo is handing me a shovel; no questions asked.

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