• Horoscopes for 10-22-2024
    “In nature’s infinite book of secrecy A little I can read.”
    Soothsayer in Shakespeare’s Antony & Cleopatra (I.ii.5-6)

    Horoscopes for 10-22-2024


    Scorpio Happy birthday, it’s about time! It’s also about not doing anything in too big of a hurry. There’s a little bit of extra, unconnected crap that’s floating along. I was fishing in the river, really a lake, as there is a dam about both ends, but for me, it looks, and flows, like a river, so I was fishing in a river, and a large clump of, looked like moss, drifted past. I was casting right behind it as sometimes, there are big fish lurking back there, but the recent weather? No luck. What I was thinking of, though, for the good ship Scorpio? Don’t snag that ball of water weeds. Moss, flotsam, and jetsam? Whatever it is? Don’t throw a line with a hook on it into that mess. Doesn’t end well. Birthdays, remember? Just watch float on by, maybe cast a little after it.


    There was a place in Austin I almost moved into. Near the campus, it was designed as a student living. It had the cutest little breakfast nook built in. The kitchen itself, diminutive, this was student housing, the kitchenette ended in a corner of the building, and there was a tiny built-in table with two bench seats. In my mind’s eye, I could easily see myself there in the morning sun, it was south-facing, typing away on a keyboard, or with a tape recorder, doing readings. The rental market, this was some years distant, the rental market, I passed on it in one hour and it was gone in the next. However, I pause and think about that place, as I passed it every few months for years, I thought about what would’ve been different. Now, in October, weeks before Halloween, Samhain, Day of the Dead, All Saints Day? I find myself craving that kind of small, almost cramped space where there is room for coffee and keyboard, maybe some paper notes as well. A darkened kitchen corner where I can be left alone with my thoughts, exploring the various alleys of my, what I pleased to call, my Sagittarius brain. Not sure how this works for you, individually, but a darkened corner where you can work, undisturbed? Think that’s this week’s Sagittarius goal.


    You know I love you, right? You know I hold you in the highest esteem? You’re my favorite? You’re going to turn into a screaming, mean-ass bitch in the following ten days, two weeks. Maybe. Probably, and I’m very willing to be wrong, but, yeah, looks like someone is going to do that one thing that really pisses you off. The point of writing about that, what happens in a week or two? It lets you get centered, stable, and in place where you are less likely to explode. (Not that the person on the other side of this problem didn’t deserve the weight of the Capricorn wrath, it’s just, think big picture.) I would kick that goal a little further down the line. It was supposed to happen by Halloween? Maybe give it an extra few weeks, see if that helps. I think you’ll still be pissed off, but now that you know? It helps prevent that pissed off Capricorn from turning into a ragged, raging, red monster. No one wants that. Get centered and make appropriate adjustments — now.


    Young couple, one of whom was strongly Aquarius, by design? That young couple was a having early-onset marital difficulties. Someone, not me, suggested a dog, a puppy. They got a dog. Dog lasted about a week, and the marriage, not much longer. The dog went onto find a great home with some folks down the street, and the rest is history as the doomed couple both went separate ways. It was that third element: the dog. Just glad they didn’t have a baby. The dog was like a trial run, sort of pure-bred thing, not bright but always happy, and took too much to care and feed. This next few weeks, I’d think, from now until the end of this year? It’s about a trial run. It’s about that third element. It’s about adding a piece that might, or might not, be permanent. In the example of the puppy, I think the neighbors really wanted it, so it was all good, everyone lived happily ever after. Give it a trial run, and introduce that third element; see what happens.


    Weird gifts? To this day, the weirdest one was a selection of duct tape. That I actually used it? Sure, there is that. But as an offering? I’m unsure of the meaning. Still a head-scratcher, for sure. This is the season, it’s a month before my birthday, so that’s why I’m thinking along these lines, but it’s the season for weird gifts and weird gift ideas. This might be just me, but I’m applying this to gentle Pisces because you feel it, get it, and understand this energy — just like me. “I’m not sure what to do with this?” (Holding up what might be the nicest, most expensive white elephant gift ever.) What do we do with the weird gifts? I have an idea, specific for Pisces: nothing. “Do nothing?” That’s right, do nothing. Set it on a shelf. Admire it. Wait. It’s only the tail-end of October, and in a few months, it will be another new year. That weird gift will be useful — then. Won’t know what to do with it until then, but it will prove useful. I’ll link back to this horoscope to remind you, “I told you not to throw it away, or re-gift it.”


    I’ve been on the receiving end of excellence in customer service, on more than one occasion. When I run my own company, I strive for that kind of service, above and beyond what is expected. Some days, I’ve been successful, other days? Not so much. Still, the idea is to deliver more than what was promised. I had already shuttered certain aspects of my own work, but when a software store closed down? I was no longer able to add value with follow-up (computer assembled) text files. What I am still willing to do is entertain a single question, and over time, I’ll answer various “quick questions” as a matter of form. Couple of pointers? Question has to be entertaining, germane, and quick for me to access a valid astrologically derived answer. However, after doing this for as many years as I have? There is also the curt reply, “Book a reading to get an answer.” I try to be polite, and strive for that excellence in customer service, but if the questions require me to dig around in an astrology chart? Don’t expect it for free. As a challenge to Aries, how do you write that response? Remember, the goal? “Excellence in customer service.” (Bleh)


    “It’s like layers of an onion, you can just peel back another layer, and it gets deeper,” fishing buddy was describing a psychological workshop he attended. Pop Psychology with a dash of self-help, leavened with self-awareness. He peeled back about three layers, and that onion is bigger than a baseball, so, not much. Just scraped the surface, but to his credit, he was trying. The analogy of an onion, though, is problematic, while I love fresh, diced onion bits on a hot dog or winter chili? Biting into that onion, aromatic delicious that it might be? It is still an onion, and it still leaves lingering onion breath. As a good Taurus, we can appreciate the flavor, aromatic and otherwise, of that onion, and as a good Taurus, we can appreciate the symbolism of peeling off a layer or two. But as a Taurus person? That onion breath can also make it so we want people to stay away.


    I’ve been exposed to a number of different diet plans. “Try this one, you eat only orange food!” That was kind of interesting, it would be Cheetos, Mandarins, and I guess, Oranges. The benefits of the all-natural citrus should outweigh the junk food quotient? I’m not sure. With Halloween around the corner, then, too, there’s a whole host of “orange” food in the aisles. Candy, baked goods, pumpkin spice everything? What does work? It’s not one plan, but a lifestyle decision to eat just a little less. In my own life, I cut back on “red meat,” again, sticking to the color scheme. While I’m most certainly not vegan, or even remotely vegetarian, I do try to stick to more plant-based than anything else. Anyway, color-coded food? New idea for Gemini, and every Gemini can use a new plan about now. Only eat orange, or only eat green, or only eat, I don’t know, this is Gemini, I just read the stars.


    I used to get sales calls from self-named publishers. The first give-away was bad English, and the next was a lack of understanding about my material. A typical sales message? “This is Steve, and I was looking at Fishing Guide to the Stars, 2012, and I think we can get this into bookstores, maybe redesign it so it sells better. Give me a call at,” then came a toll-free number that traced back to a vanity press company. The web and the internet “democratized” a lot of the publishing industry, but even so, the vanity presses, and their subsidiary “hybrid” forms are still costly and really, unless the material itself grabs the reader? Doesn’t matter who designed the cover artwork, or what kind of typeface was used to print the page, it doesn’t sell. Gratefully, these calls have slowed to a trickle, and I think it’s mostly because I’m not interested. If you’re a real publisher and you have a pitch for me? I’ll listen, but so far, nothing has come through that’s a valid source. Think about me having to wade through this missives, messages, and occasional direct mail pieces that are merely ads for a service that costs me money. I’ve gotten really good at separating the advertising from actual material, and for gentle Crab-like, Moon Children? That’s what this (cf. Pisces.)

    The Leo

    One of my little Leo friends was messaging me, a just a quick question. It was amusing, to me, as the perfunctory “How you doing” and similar exchange of pleasantries were out of the way, I posted a quick “answer” to an un-asked Leo question. “Thanksgiving.” Which got a question, “What is that about?” I know, well, I suspect I know, what the pressing Leo question is going to be, and I have an answer: around Thanksgiving. If you’re not located in North America, that’s the third Thursday in November, and this year, it will also be my birthday. That stands as my answer, and more protracted version? Dear Leo is best served waiting until the Sun creeps all the way through Scorpio, and gets warm in fiery Sagittarius. Astrology is about timing, and the timing on this is a time to hold them, or fold them, but not to show them. Thanksgiving.


    I never did find the $5 object. It’s old family lore, and the understanding that I have, as we go into the retail season, Stanley Marcus always wanted his flagship store to have a single, inexpensive gift that anyone could afford, and that way, everyone could get a Nieman-Marcus gift at the high holidays. More lore and myth than fact, given my sources (see the fineprint for disclaimers). I’ve spent the last few years searching for a single, inexpensive object, thing, place-holder, or item that I could sell for around $5, although, the price point has shifted. I like the idea of 99-cent books, as that fits in the same scheme, same frame of thinking, but for the life of me, the only books I can do at that price point are digital. There’s a sense that spending a little is better than spending a lot, and there’s a sense that a token gesture, the Virgo-thoughful — but Virgo-inexpesive — is perfect. Like the aforementioned $5 bauble. It’s what you’re looking for.


    More than 30 years doing this stuff? I’ve collected a lot of weird crap. Off and on, I’ve used a slab of Ruby Zoisite for a stand for knickknacks, an altar piece, and now, a coaster. I think it supercharges my coffee, a spiritual chunk of stone that is imbued with many mystical properties. When the stone itself, the mineral specimen was cut? The bottom side is almost polished and the top side has a little extra lip. It was a mistake in the stone cutter’s attempt, but I’ve found it useful. As a small coaster, whether it really has a secret magical and mystical properties, I don’t know, but as a small coaster? It’s perfect. The rest is myth, and I treat it as such. Separate myth from mystery, separate fact from fiction, and then? It is kind of random and sort of pretty, think I’ll continue to use it. Does it work magic? That I can’t vouch for, or against.

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