Monthly News of the World 11/94

Monthly News of the World 11/94

copyright 11/94 Kramer Wetzel, Austin, Texas

“But remember: the stars incline but they do not compel. You enjoy free will.”
-Robert A. Heinlein in Stranger in a Strange Land

For something just inclining and not compelling, the stars sure seem to carry a lot of weight right now, and it might feel as if the stars are really compelling.

Venus, the Goddess of beauty and harmony and peace turns around this month so events start to occur more smoothly.

Aries: the only thing that you might want to watch out for this month is a tendency to be just a bit vociferous, i.e., loud, mouthy, and brash. This is merely a fleeting attitude which will overcome you most of this month. Make an effort to curb you vocal talents and you’ll feel much better.

Taurus: ever feel like spending the day in bed? How about spending this month in bed; it’s probably the safest place to be. No matter who or what you encounter, it’s best to watch your unruly anger and temper your temper. Dig for more evidence rather than shooting from the hip.

Gemini: since you survived last month’s little retrograde tantrum, nothing mundane will probably pull you down this month. Your only obstacle might be a brief, shining conflict of will. Don’t let it get you down.

Cancer: you might find this a good month for luck, as fortuitous stellar configuration lends you some luck this month. You might want to try the lottery. Or maybe try your hand at some other form of a game of chance. Just watch the interpersonal communications this month.

Leo: Mars Ê is still fueling your fire this month so it is best to watch your driving. The fortunate events will have to do with oncoming season of parties. The bad news comes from obstinate individuals who do not understand you. You like the holidays and can look forward to many good times. As always, party on!

Virgo: this is the calm before the storm, right about now. Pretty soon (next month), the floodgates will open and you will be soaked in a deluge of good things. So take this month to rest and recuperate, maybe clean the place up a little, straighten your things before the holidays are here. Make room for unexpected visitors, too.

Libra: your good communication skills and sense of beauty returns, but not until Venus € (remember: peace, harmony, beauty) goes direct late in the month. Luck, again this month, seems tough. The good news is that your sense of balance has returned, which, for a Libra, is a pretty important commodity.

Scorpio: with every planet stacked up in the sign of the Scorpion this month, things are going to get decidedly interesting. November is a good, if not great month to be a Scorpio because of all the good things going on. What you have on your side: the ¤ Moon (twice), Mercury (good communications), Venus (beauty), Jupiter (the lucky star), and Pluto (benevolent ruler of the underworld). What does this mean? When it comes time to power up the Christmas tree, you could do it by yourself!

Sagittarius: you probably have found some way to scratch that seven year itch by now. If you haven’t, a new friend will be showing up soon enough, just to help. It looks like a slow month for you, just try and be patient as new opportunities start to open up at the end of the month. The operative words here are: wait until the Thanksgiving holiday. Then look out as the merriment begins. Unless, of course, you have a lot Taurus in chart. Then you might want to slow down.

Capricorn: the idea of getting better by degrees still applies to you as it is the best description of how events unfold this month for you. Things are better, but just a little bit better. You realize, of course, that it’s your solemn duty to push forward at this time, start laying down some groundwork for the new year. Consider canceling your holiday plans, too.

Aquarius: poor, old beleaguered Aquarius! It seems like you are just about ready to take off when the whole world comes crashing down on you this month. At least, that what it feels like. The worse news yet is that your romantic interludes feel out of sorts. Long distance relationships seem to deteriorate, too. Have you ever considered moving to Alaska, just to get away from it all?

Pisces: romance is featured this month, alongside the work thing. Work is always a problem, when it can’t be done well, you want to have nothing to do with it. While this is a great attitude, it doesn’t sit well with the rest of the world. Things may have been a little slow for you lately, but it is certainly getting better—

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at


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