Gray Sunday afternoon

Weather didn’t bother me a bit. I hopped by the apartment’s office, seeing as how it was the first of the month and all, and I kept hearing a voice in my head, “With 57% of the precincts reporting, we have declared a winner….”

It was that tone of voice from way back, long ago when less than 10% of the vote gave an indication of the way an election was running. Back when talking heads were dry, and their delivery was even drier, almost to the point of being barren.

All of that was going through my head while I was tabulating rent checks.

Devota showed me a couple of handy shortcuts for handling all those checks, and at first, I thought it created more work. Turns out, she was right, yet again. As the afternoon moseyed along, I filled out all the rent rolls, the adjunct paperwork, and filled up the deposit slips, the office copier ran out of toner. I couldn’t find any more replacement cartridges, so that was it for the afternoon. Cut loose a little early due to lack of office supplies.

From there, it was relaxed afternoon at The Hideout with a caffeinated group discussing the recent article about bloggers in the local paper.

What’s the difference between a blogger and web journal writer? Virtually none, but near as I can discern, there seems to be a definite division. I’d wonder about age as a factor, more than anything else.

In my case, it’s really simple. I was overseas, and I didn’t have a phone jack for a European phone line. And did I have a juicy entry. Plus, I had the time to write it, sitting in an Amsterdam coffee shop.

So I was motivated to move all the journaling process over to “blogware” – simply put, in case that ever happens again.

If there really is a division, though, my argument that age separates the bloggers from the web journal writers, then 1> my apparent lack of emotional maturity should easily land me in the blogger’s camp, and 2> Josh’s journal.

We stepped out side the Hideout for a smoke break. A homeless guy asked me for some spare change then said that I looked like Robert Plant. Or Jimmy Page, he wasn’t sure which one. Then there was that whole “blog versus web journal” discussion.

“It’s all experimental,” I was saying.

“Yeah, I’m just looking to find my voice,” was Josh’s response.

And that’s what it’s all about.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at


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