Radio redux
I’ve done a ton of radio work.
Started years ago, and I’ve been on classic rock, country, NPR, even an old album rock format station. Plus “alternative,” which sounded pretty much like hard pop to me, but what do I know?
The most difficult radio work? Morning drive time slot. Means I had to get to the station before sun-up. Now, if I was fishing, that’s not a problem. But for work-related work? It was a chore.
Best memory of a morning show? Alaska. I had on everything I owned, that I’d brought to wear, long underwear, two sets of socks, boots, sweaters, thermals, jacket, scarf, hat, and so forth. I was standing in the pre-dawn parking lot, breathing smoke, icicles longer than me staring back, and the morning jock showed up in shorts. To his credit, he did have a parka on, but just shorts?
“Spring in the air, it’s getting up close to 30 today!”
(That’s the point where Texas freezes over and everything grinds to a halt.)
Another morning show hostess – different town – was driving around an advertising “Hummer,” one of the older models, all painted up. After the show, we’d gone out to breakfast, and she parked where everyone could see the Hum-Vee. Guys would walk up to it, then, we watched this from inside the cafe, get down on all fours to check the ground clearance.
“Looks like they are all praying to the mechanical god. Huh.”
The radio program I’ve been doing on Monday nights has themes, or so it seems. There’s usually a coherent pattern that emerges. Last Monday, seemed like it was divorce, at the 6 year (been together 7 years) then again at the 6 year mark (been together 7) and one that was “almost 14 years.”
I’m not much of a fan of divorce these days. Well, to be honest, I’m not much of fan of marriage, but to each his or her own.
Why I like that one radio station so much, besides the way I’m handled? The way the jock catches on, he’s a quick study. Sagittarius. I think, an “army brat,” too. Loves Austin. And the wonderful Leo assistant? Works me just like I was butter in her paws.
That “quick study” Sagittarius? he’s gotten to where he keeps the material fresh, and he keeps it within safe guidelines. Excellent air skills, and as an added bonus? He’s gotten to the point where he can interject a dose of humor or even insight.
He had the best line the other evening. I’d steal it, and I probably will. He was addressing a caller about an issue, so this is how I remember the line, going out on the air, “What do they say in that safety talk, about he oxygen masks? If you’re traveling with small children, you need to put your mask on first, then the children? Because, if you’re not taken care of, you can’t take care of any one else.”
So I’m not getting it quite right, but I’m sure I’ll use that one at some point.
The point with the numbers? 7 years, 14 years? Saturn was a point and a player in all the charts. 28-year cycle. Half of that, one-quarter? 7 & 14.
It’s a pattern, and what was odd, to me, I haven’t toyed with this pattern in years. I got into the “happy” relationship mode, and I started seeing fewer and fewer divorce situations. But all that work and research, years ago? All came tumbling back.
Saturn, if your interested, will only tear down something that doesn’t belong. The other half of Saturn, and I can’t back this up with my own research, though, I understand the theory, hard work under Saturn’s influence means you’ll get rewarded for those efforts – later.
Nope, I’m not up to speed on the “work hard now, see results next year” concept. But I can preach it pretty good.
One more from the road
When I unloaded the phone’s camera, I found one more image that was pretty amusing, at least to me.
It’s from the men’s room, in the ABIA (AUS) building. From behind the security barrier, although, I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to find that it’s a common sign in a lot of Austin’s men’s rooms. Politically correct, there’s a diaper changing station. Not a bad idea, but then, a little reminder, like, not to walk off and leave the child there? That would never happen, right?