Travel notes

After the show, I was trying to do something nice for Grace. We stopped at a burger place to pick up a big bag of burgers for her, me, Bubba, Cookie, and the girls.

“Here let me pay for it,” I said, and I pulled out a $50 bill. Grace matched me. I looked at the cashier, “Hey, I’m the man, I’m in charge here.”

Much hilarity ensued.

The entrance to the freeway ramp? I saw a sign I’ve never seen before, headed for the fine print, “Horse Drawn Vehicles Prohibited.”

New ride:
Rolling on the freeway, Grace driving the new ride, me, Cookie, and Grace’s husband, Bubba, Grace turned in front of oncoming traffic. Safely, plenty of room, but she made a comment about stopping.

“See if those airbag really worked,” she said.

I pointed out, with the three of us, she was completely surrounded by airbags.

Much hilarity ensued.

April Fool:
The Scorpio daughter came out while we were standing around in the garage. Bubba looks over, “Are you going to tell her now?”

There was guilty looks exchanged, then the senior dropped the bomb, Grace’s kid wasn’t going to graduate.

“The school called, and they denied one of my credits from freshman year, so I won’t graduate in May.”

I watched the child’s eyes well up with tears, and then, I watched as Grace looked like a volcano, about to explode. The youngest burst into the garage, “April Fool.”

Much hilarity did ensue.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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