Ten Reasons

Ten reasons why a subscription to the horoscopes is better.

10. $2.95 for thirty days. Less than ten cents per day.

(8 & 9 were skipped due to cash cutbacks)

7. Cheaper than a gallon gas, and you never have to leave the confines of your computer space.

6. Somewhere between 98 and 100 percent advertising free – for the paid horoscopes. No up-sell. The weekly audio is available as a video – no extra charge for the expanded horoscope update.

5. Horoscopes – on time. No mess, no fuss, no question about “when.”

4. There’s a purity of purpose, the scopes aren’t written to advertise and promote some product. Much as I would be willing to sell out, hasn’t happened yet, so I get to do what I like.

3. Paid subscription, oh yeah, access to the current year’s index of past (and future) columns.

2. Price check. Look at the other paid subscription deals. Last I checked, $2.95 is about one tenth of the price of other sites. That’s a 90% reduction in fees. Best deal yet: price hasn’t gone up due to escalating costs. One low price.

1. Cookies, cookies are yummy.

Subscribe here.

And if PayPal and monthly payments aren’t your style? There’s the yearly option, as well.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

  • Sarah Mar 5, 2010 @ 14:35

    Cookies??? Choc chimp or otameal?

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