Do Not Remove

On Southwest Airlines? The new seating arrangement, maybe not so new by now, has one missing seat, with the three over-wing emergency-exit on the other side of the aisle. I preferred the old style, with the emergency exit row having a hot tub, six facing seats, three forward, three backwards. Ever a democratic airline, though, the new seating allows more passenger space and if I understand their business, probably saves money. No one wanted to sit facing backwards, and on one eventful flight, a rearward facing kid lost his breakfast on my boots, during a typical West Texas landing (sometimes a little rough around the edges).

On our way back from Vegas, I was sitting in the single extended leg room seat, looking out the window. It was one of the older jets, as I could see the round engine cowling instead of the updated oblong scoop. SWA still only flies 737s, although the model-year and numerical designation changes, it’s usual the same aircraft. And until this fall’s schedule, it didn’t seem like I was flying as much. Much business analysis is devoted to SWA’s success. In part, it’s from just one model of airplane, and in part, it’s from not sharing code with other airlines, and in part, it’s a rebel attitude. Stick to one kind of plane, stick to one sort of business and do that well.

Over the years, I’ve stared out of a lot of airplane windows, most frequently from that over-wing, serve-yourself seating. I had a file, first in a notebook, then on an Apple Newton, moved to Palm, and finally, I quit carrying around a file with that title, “Wet Fuel Cell.” I don’t need any more disclaimers.

Pink Cake is the leading name for a new file of daily weirdness. Still, while I was looking out the window, when I saw the wing’s message, in stencil, “WET FUEL CELL/DO NOT REMOVE,” I started to ponder what that message always evoked, perhaps a little sentiment on my part.

There was a tenuous thread, at best, that I was going to draw between how SWA does one kind of business, and they do it well. Plain and simple. Ignore the obvious joke.

Laetri edimus qui nos subigant.
— kramer wetzel
Sent from an iPhone.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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