Confidential to TFG

There’s an element, something that comes with true comfort food. The original Kirby, over on S. Greenville, between, I think, Anita and Martel? West side of the street? Torn down, 20 years ago? That was, if I’m right, the place that had the red leather booths, the interior design was “early brothel,” and the meat was good. That place – wasn’t there a connection to a meat market in Snider Plaza?

When I lived way out west, I tended to find succor and nourishment in places that were “very much like” Kirby’s. Sort set the bar for steakhouse, in my wee mind. Red leather booths, dark wood, subdued (poor) lighting, gold/red wallpaper, buxom waitresses in short dresses, possibly matronly, yet still….

Heavy steak. Steak and potato, right? Simple, straight-up, certainly not “California Cuisine” size.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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