Indiana Jones

And the something or other. Must admit, rollicking good time. Must admit, every bit as wonderful as the first. Even better, now that the franchise is mature? Excellent amount of fun. Really a good show.

Of course, there were two problems. First off, there was no matinee price. Full price ticket even though it was the first show of the day. That’s just wrong. Second problem? Other patrons. An elderly lady tried to sit next to me, muttering in the dark. She took off her sunglasses, said something else, I was watching previews, and she got up and moved.

There was a character behind me, in the movie theater, throughout the most of the film, he (or she, wasn’t sure) kept talking to the screen.

However, I’ll forgive this problems for the rest of the show, the movie itself, was back to form. Pure matinee adventure. Not too much plot. The Elvis song in the opening sequence was good, pegged the year before it was year, and the evil alien overlords, that was fun, too.

I mean, I didn’t expect any highbrow educated material. It’s Harrison Ford and the Fedora. I can’t say it was worth the whole price, but it was cool in the theater. I was entertained for the time.

A most excellent respite from Mercurial woes.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

  • ssmith04 May 29, 2008 @ 7:35

    I’m looking forward to it as escapism from mercury rx. Either escape or tear my hair out. What a choice. You sure that little old lady next to you wasn’t me? I mean I? Heck, don’t know what I mean… Anyway, sounds like it was worth taking in.

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