
The Tattooed ladies of Texas Libraries. Reminded me of this link.

I’d do this as a trivia question, but it’s not worth the effort; however, I did link that “modified librarian” page, years ago. Several times over.

It’s a Virgo thing.

Real New Deal:
New Deal and the Texas largess in its day, seems like LBJ pushed through much of a “New Deal,” (WPA, CCCC) projects in Texas. Course, we do have more highways and those needed rest stop, however, oh, never mind. Portions of the legendary San Antonio Riverwalk are part of that new deal, as well.

Disclosures, part, the oh never mind!
I ran across wording similar to this, several places:

This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation such as samples or testing products. The compensation received will never influence the content, topics or posts made in this blog.

That’s, at best, organic male bovine by-product. What does it disclose? The Google Ad Words? If that’s not obvious, or the double-green underline words, the so-called “inline” advertising? Not obvious that it’s how those of us who run websites make money?

I was a “network affiliate” with Double-Click, some other firm, another one by some other name, Adbrite, Amazon, Bass Pro, Powell’s, and so on. Probably too many to name. Some T-shirt place. Cafe Press. Bass Pro cancelled it program, Powell’s customer service was combative about an issue, and the only one that really seems to work is Adbrite, Amazon and Google. Of those, Amazon is my favorite because I can plug an ISBN into a form to get a link. Very simple, from a programming point.

However, if it’s not obvious that an author, male or female, animal, vegetable or mineral, if that author doesn’t have a bias? That’s a bold-faced lie.

Best advertising gig? Company paid to run their ads across the footer of the main pages. That was sweet. Next to nothing in weight. All profit. However, if the advertising isn’t obvious? Maybe you shouldn’t be clicking on things on the inter-web.

This is my house and these are my rules.

The sign I was hoping to avoid: The next inter-web engine. The shark reference is about shark-jumping.

I’m good with that.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

  • sarah Aug 10, 2009 @ 10:26

    Have you seen the Klingons for Jesus website?

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