Popular culture

Subtitle: at the movies – Couples Retreat.

Must be a close to two hours runtime on that film. Good? Debatable. Escapist value? High. Very high. Light farce, romantic comedy, sexual innuendo without that level of crudity; however, some of this was straight-up “chick-flick” material, too.

Good work by the cast, as there was apparent on-screen chemistry a-plenty. I just noticed that the film took the top-grossing opening spot for its first weekend. That illustrates I wasn’t too wrong to see it.

There are continuity and reality problems, but then, the film stars Vince Vaughn. Not like I was expecting a seasoned and reasonable documentary. No illusions that this was Rom-Com with a little puerile male humor. Opening and closing shots serve as end caps.

Worth a $7 matinee price? Sure, whatever.

Biggest problem I had with the film was the Guitar Hero scene in the – before the denouement. I wanted two things: better song, better ax-handling. I don’t even play Guitar Hero, but I’ve seen better work by kids at the store and in the mall than that show-down. But that’s a small gripe.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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