Quotes & Roadkill Chili

Observe carefully what guides the actions of the wise, and what they shun or seek.
Marcus Aurelius Meditations Book iv, #38

BareFoot Astrology:
Big question was whether I should wear shorts and pack my ubiquitous “summer style” for this trip, or, at the last minute, I changed up the luggage. I packed a bag before I left for London, figuring it would just be easier. Should’ve known I’d have to repack. The name comes from some time past, as I’ve been on this road for a while.

Early on, I was working in a little town in West Texas, and I had on the usual boots, jeans, yoke shirt, sport jacket. Et cetera. Side note, Brooks & Dunn played the local arena that night. Halfway through a relatively slow show, I was uncomfortable, so I slipped my boots off, Tony Lama boots at the time. Felt better being barefoot. The promoter noticed.

A name was born.

That was long before I learned that studies have proven we work better barefoot. Not that it matters.

While the thermometer might read in the 70s, the high desert air still has a winter chill. Not barefoot now.

Reading is untidy, discursive and perpetually inviting.
The Uncommon ReaderP. 22

Wall Marts Chili:

2 Poblano peppers
1 Anaheim pepper
6 Fat, juicy jalapeno peppers
4 Tomatillo
3 Beefsteak
2 Purple onions
2 garlic bulbs
1 bunch of cilantro
Salt pork
Ground beef
Cubed steak
Cubed pork

Finished with “cop shop” dessert: Blue Bell Coffee Ice Cream over them Wall-Mart donuts.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

  • Sarah Mar 21, 2010 @ 20:54

    Now you know I’m gonna be forced to make myself some of that there chili, right soon.

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