Update: About astrofish.net.uk

The technology is on a strange arc. My first digital camera was a plug-in device for a handheld PDA. Before I went abroad in 2001, I had to replace the camera, as I needed something to capture digital images whilst afoot in strange lands. There aren’t many of those original images left over, as those were half-size images, at the time, the upper limits of portable technology.

The next phone doubled the image size but overseas cell rates were prohibitively high. Eventually, I had a deluxe – at that time – digital camera. The first in a long succession of sub-$100 cameras. Caught a number of excellent images with that cheap camera that died an inglorious death, depicted elsewhere, the third and final fall against a hard tile floor. “Rest in Pieces,” little camera. The camera is gone, but its original 32 MB chip, I’ve still got that. Functional tech curio.

After that camera, there came a succession of cheap, digital cameras. I’ve still got two or three, but most notable, that first camera, it was a 2.1 megapixel camera, and in its day? That was the largest available. That was huge. Subsequent cheap cameras, one of the ones I use frequently, it has a 7 MegaPixel range. Finder. Image storage. Huge. Exponentially larger than that first which was less than half a MegaPixel. Limits and forward march of technology.

About kramerwetzel.com:
It’s a City Daily Photo web-log. Family of web-sites. Portal. Something. I’ve got a decade’s worth of digital images from London. From other tourist destinations, too, but that’s not what this is about. It’s about kramerwetzel.com. It’s an image a day, shot down in size for quick website display, nothing fancy, just a chance for old and new images to find some traction of some kind. Got the pictures, a Texas tourist eye’s view. What befalls the eye.

From October 2001 through the current date. There’s a haphazard, almost random selection process. Makes it that much more amusing to me. Which is really what it’s all about. My version of “ye olde Londonium.”

Hint: not every picture is good.

Cyclical Limits of Technology:
I used one of the images from that first, 2.1 MegaPixel camera on the cover of a book. A few years later, my phone went for a dip, you’d think a few seconds under water wouldn’t affect it so, and that led to succession of cheap phones, and, eventually, back to an iPhone. Which has a two-megapixel camera. Right back where I started.

The last of the kramerwetzel.com images, some of those are captured from the phone’s camera. Right back where I started.

“If a man makes a slip, admonish him gently and show his mistake. If you fail to convince him, blame yourself, or else blame nobody.”
Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, Book X, #4.



About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

  • Lesley Jul 19, 2011 @ 8:51

    Hi Kramer,

    We met very briefly at Town Lake fair last month…I thought for some reason you were actually in London this month, but heard yesterday you are appearing on Sara Blumenfeld’s blog radio show today!!!

    Congratulations – hope all goes well for you – very best wishes, Lesley.

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