Limits of Hardware

Coastal Hibiscus

Coastal Hibiscus

The image is capture from the front of the motel in Rockport, and the limits of personal technology means I wasn’t sure if the auto-focus would pull an image like the heart of that Hibiscus.

Without delving into repetitive phrases, it’s a bifurcated issue, buy better cameras, lens, hardware toys, and get those better images – like that macro shot, or stick with cheap and available cameras, what I’m used to. Cheap, almost disposable, but handy and available.

Limits of hardware, and where to direct resources? So I won’t have the fancy hardware, but the option to have something at the right time? Works.

I’m sure there’s a message in here, too, but I can’t seem to figure out what it was. There are days when my destination is clearly unmarked.

Terms of Service, EULA, &c.

Typography for Lawyers.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

  • Sarah Apr 30, 2010 @ 13:13

    Hibiscus–my flower. Perfect picture. I’m beginning to think all this Mercury Retrograde / fixed sign stuff is messing with traffic and transportation (most definitely not fixed). I’ve seen more crazy, unpredictable, dangerous driving in the last few days than I’ve seen in a long while. Yesterday was the topper: I stopped in lane #1 for a red light. MTA bus stopped exactly next to me. Total standstill. Motorcyclist came slamming up behind us and jammed (wedged) himself (fixed) in between us. “WTF?” I thought, as I moved my car a bit to the left to get out of traffic. Motorcyclist gunned it, took off. I left, too. Poor MTA bus had to stay behind to file a hit-and-run report. I’ve been driving vehicles of all sorts for over 50 years and never had anything like that happen. Managed to hit us both, no damage or injury (bit of scratch to my right side door, but who cares) and took off like the Devil was after him and the Lord was waiting.

  • Kramer Apr 30, 2010 @ 13:34

    Not so long ago, okay, maybe a while back, that would’ve been me on the scooter (big, loud, fast motorcycle).

  • Regina May 1, 2010 @ 14:28

    That was pretty comical! I enjoyed your little rant! I times my macro will not cooperate..I can’t figure it out -period! I love hibiscus and have one mottled leafed one growing in the back..and incidently, every one I ever took so far HAS NOT come out! lol ..have a wonderful day-

  • Denise May 2, 2010 @ 4:38

    Great post, and a very beautiful flower. Thanks for sharing.

  • guild-rez May 2, 2010 @ 8:16

    Wonderful hibiscus flower and great shot.

  • Autumn Belle May 2, 2010 @ 8:19

    Hisbiscus is a beautiful exotic flower.

  • Eileen May 2, 2010 @ 8:25

    Beautiful hibiscus, one of my favorite flowers.

  • Digital Flower May 2, 2010 @ 8:48

    You didn’t say what camera you are using but most modern compact cameras are capable of taking macro photos. Finding the macro setting (usually a flower symbol) will help. My little nikon will not focus close unless it is selected. It then can focus up to 2 inches.

    Finding the minimum focusing distance of your camera/lens is important too. You will never get a good picture by getting closer than that distance.

    Just a side note. I find Hibiscus to be a difficult flower to photograph because of its structure. It is difficult to judge the depth of field needed to get the whole thing in focus. Also in this case red flowers are often hard to get true color represented. This includes higher end expensive types of cameras, too.

  • SandyCarlson May 2, 2010 @ 16:20

    A warm and lovely tropical beauty!

  • Andrea in this lifetime May 4, 2010 @ 20:31

    hahaha, it is just a matter of focus. The present Point and Shoot cameras do that perfectly even if the handler doesnt know how. The focusing step is to press the shutter halfway and then press fully. I actually don’t believe you fully, i think you just posted that to be different from the rest of the posted photos. Unique because there is also art in blurred photos.

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