Dark Secrets

The flower, I asked because I recognize the shape but know no name.

“It’s a ‘day lily,’ what them are called,” responded Bubba, “least I think that’s the name for those.”

I recall the title “Star Lily,” but my memory is more faded and porous than blue jeans worn, over time, faded, soft, corn-silk blue.

It was one of his, he was the gardner, shot was one morning a week or two ago.

Hardware: iPhone
Software: CameraBagg.app
Location: West El Paso, West Texas
Limits of hardware…

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

  • Sarah Jun 25, 2010 @ 11:28

    A day lily, star lily, by any other name would look as beautiful.

  • Maia Jun 25, 2010 @ 14:25

    Beautiful lily macro Kramer, thanks for the lovely contribution to Macro Flowers Saturday!
    Have a great weekend!

  • Valerie Jun 25, 2010 @ 18:48

    Your lovely flower is an Asiatic Lily and not a Daylily. Daylilies only bloom for a day and yours should be good for at least a week. Beautiful.

  • Kathy Jun 25, 2010 @ 21:22

    I have to agree with Valerie ~ I vote for something other than daylily. Enough said! It’s gorgeous. I’d be pleased as punch to have one in my garden!

  • AL Jun 26, 2010 @ 6:56

    Lillies are always lovely. Have you seen mine?

  • Roan Jun 26, 2010 @ 8:04

    It’s a beauty! Love the soft colors.

  • Joanne Olivieri Jun 26, 2010 @ 11:54

    Asiatic lilies for me are the most beautiful. Very nice shot.

  • Rosie@Centre of Interest Jun 26, 2010 @ 12:33

    That a beautiful colour of lily – I would call that in my garden an asiatic lily rather than day lily.

  • Manang Kim Jun 27, 2010 @ 11:21

    I call it Asiatic lily, they are gorgeous! Happy Sunday!

    Purple blossom

  • Denise Jun 27, 2010 @ 19:55

    A delight for the eyes.
    An English Girl Rambles

  • Jama Jun 27, 2010 @ 22:14

    So lovely!

  • Lily Jun 27, 2010 @ 22:53

    a wonderful contribution for today’s flower, yours is lovely!

  • ann chin, New Zealand Jun 28, 2010 @ 4:05

    Looks like a lily, the hint of pink is very subtle.

  • BPOTW Jun 29, 2010 @ 18:13

    It’s gorgeous with its delicate color.

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