Bovine, TX

The image is located here.

Bovine TX
Bovina, TX. Around, south and west, I think, if I recall, and I might not, close to Amarillo and Hereford. Which launches into a funny discussion about the way the British People were pronouncing the town’s name, “Hair-REF-Ferd.”

The correct (Texas) pronunciation is “HER-ferd.”

The image from the front seat of the truck, it was perfect, under sodden, grey skies. Wet summer rains making the scenery verdant, and lush-like in appearance.

Three elements, and the reason Hereford, however you think it should be pronounced, was such an important cattle town? At one time, this was the shipping point for Texas cows. All your beef belonged to us.

Sands Motel, no longer the cool and impressive place to stay, the historical plaque and the fiberglass cow sculpture that, to some, might be a caricature. The X-I-T brand. A legend, all by its lonesome.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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