Coffee in Socorro

There are easily, two towns called Socorro – one in Texas and one in New Mexico. I’ve stopped in both on different legs of the same trip, in the last week. In Socorro, NM – on the “historic” town square, there’s a little coffee shop. Had a shot of “Two Goats Dancing” coffee.

“Where you get your beans from?” It’s a standard question from me, not unusual at all, a valid question when coffee is good.

Leo. She was a Leo. Mighty Leo. Mightiest of the Fixed Fire signs, certainly the best. That was three Leo women that morning. All in row. The Barista turned around, “See?”

There, on her back, the T-shirt, in sequins, “Leo,” and, of course, a Lion.

The beans cane from some company, a boutique coffee bean roaster. In Seattle. Had that good, Seattle flavor.

The image is from across the street, in my mind from that coffee shop. There’s a small, state university in Socorro, which, to me, usually equates to a coffee shop with superlative coffee and other oddities. Like what the world could really use now: a $2 cigar. Used to be a nickel.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

  • Sarah Jul 13, 2010 @ 15:47

    Two Goats Dancing as a moniker for coffee beans brings to mind the little hard round brown pellets … never mind … I had a goat when I lived on a farm. She was an efficient lawn mower and grass edger and weed eater. Unfortunately, she also had a taste for garden vegetables and an unfortunate tendency to climb to the roof of the car when playing with the dogs. My stepfather was less than pleased with her and used to mutter under his breath about goat stew.

    Seattle coffee…ah, the best. Hard to get around here–fresh, that is. Stale is easy to find and always a disappointment.

    Picture is a keeper! No, I meant the old faded building lettering, not the guy leaning on the pier piling.

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