
One nickel. I’ve raised my prices by $0.05. One nickel. Spread across two items, that makes it even easier.

I spent time on twiddling with Grace’s Website, and in partial exchange, I’ve gotten some Feng Shui advice. Good stuff, she knows her way around ba’qua. Bag-wa. Compass.

Pricing was the issue, what to set prices at. Following her recommendation, I increased the price of a half-hour consultation $0.03 and I upped the price of the yearly credit card subscription by $0.02. Three cents and two cents.

Stay tuned, I’ll see if it works. The regular subscription price is still the same.

Unrelated cheese:
The video is funny. Here.

More cheesy bits:
I signed up for a “free” service. Before the confirmation e-mail arrived, though, I was already being hit with “add to your FaceBook” and Tweet This!”

Leave me a message or send me an e-mail. How it works.

You are not encouraged to hit me on FaceBook or tap me Twitter.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

  • rhubarb Sep 5, 2010 @ 10:20

    the iPhone case that’s a party in your pocket? why don’t I just go get a 20 dollar bill and tear it up? better yet, send it to you…gadzooks! what a concept.

  • El Muchacho Alegre Sep 5, 2010 @ 19:41

    I said it was cheesy.

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