This one, it’s true, for me.
JetPack and WordPress
When asked, I still recommend WordPress as the best available website engine. To me, it’s simple to set up. Easy to use. Imports most common formats, and exports content (1). WordPress is search engine friendly, being one secret that’s not so secret anymore.
WordPress is open source, and it has great track record with safety and updates. It wasn’t my first blog motor, but has been the most rugged.
The umbrella organization offers a very cool suite of plug-ins that offer extended functions. For free. Part of the package.
I don’t use most of what JetPack offers, but I can easily see the functions as viable options. Besides, as a free offering from the parent organization? Seamlessly integrated? Flawless updates?
There are too many useful features to mention, but I’ve gradually reduced the operating overhead, the processor cycles, by moving more over to the JetPack accessory pack.
JetPack. By WordPress. Highly encouraged.

(1) Portable and transparent.