I Went Looking

There’s a new library, south of town, just off the lower end of the new “mission reach” of the San Antonio River.

I asked the librarian for a way to find important and typical, the best of the usual material, the archetypes, of San Antonio images.

I paged through a few picture books, made some notes, found some material, but not a great deal of the most typical San Antonio image. Other than, of course, The Alamo.

However, here’s a Riverwalk, town, namesake and quite a common tourist image. Out-of-town visitors are frequently posing with this one, a decent rendition of St. Anthony of Padua.

Bexar County Line

St. Anthony is the patron saint of the lost. Can’t find something? Pray to San Antonio.

His orisons are known for finding that which is lost.

Musical equivalency?

The song, “I went walking,” off that album, sadly, not otherwise available? That I have command of arcane Austin artists, never mind. Meant something.

(I’ll swear, there was a link.)

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About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

  • rhubarb Jul 9, 2012 @ 15:55

    I love it when you free associate.

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