Food Should Taste Good


There’s a grocery brand, new to me, called “Food Should Taste Good.”

Tastes like corn chips, only, the ingredients are a little different. Radically different in this modern age. All-natural, non-GMO, Gluten-Free, etc, etc.

What really caught my attention? I’m reader. I read ingredients; although, these days, not so much as the fine print has gotten so tiny. Usually to hide certain unpleasant ingredients, I’m sure.

This one package, though, the ingredients were larger, in bold, and set in place on the package to be a more pronounced visual piece of bait.

The list was relatively short, nothing but good stuff. “Sea salt” I’m little suspicious of, but then, I’m naturally skeptical of most branded advertising.

There was a short “note” from the CEO, head chef, somebody with his name on the cover, and that note suggested he was into healthy food. The ingredient list sold it. Rather, the first time, it was the ingredient list. The way the stuff tasted kept selling it.

    Bare Foot Astrology promo reel

    Bare Foot Astrology (Kindle version, short course)

That ingredient list made me think about what goes into my own work.

Prompted by another author’s prompting, and looking at the details, I’ve been doing this for fourteen years at this output level.

Someone suggested an astrology coach. What I do. Someone suggested a writing coach, again, what I already do. This is based upon my observation, pet theories and daily interactions.

The ingredient list? Culture and humanity, in all forms, leavened with a dose of reality, sometimes, other times, my tenuous grip on reality is an asset.

All depends.

Cigar butts, nitrites, glucose, sucrose, sun burned skin, night crawlers, dead shrimp, live bait, plastic worms, smelly catfish bait, old sandals, years of hard living. Too much coffee, man.

Includes bad BBQ in South Texas and Longhorn Beetles in Arizona.

A weird nose for written works, some good, some excellent, some trash, but fun, too.

What are your ingredients?

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

  • rhubarb Aug 12, 2012 @ 10:33

    Bare feet and well-worn sandals, tattered books, dog leash, muddy garden gloves, Kindle, one-line “zingers” and a somewhat skewed sense of reality. All the world is mad except thee and me and sometimes I suspect even thee. P.S. Sandals are on last legs. Would appreciate info on sandal maker you have written about in the past.

  • Kramer Wetzel Aug 12, 2012 @ 10:36

    Bubba used to say, “Kramer’s an enigma wrapped in a Hawaiian shirt and Teva’s,” but I really do prefer Piper Sandals.

    That help?

  • rhubarb Aug 12, 2012 @ 12:57

    yes, thanks

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