The Ranch House Steak and Burgers in Three Rivers

The Ranch House Steak and Burgers in Three Rivers

The Ranch House
Wandering back from the coast, I was looking for either a new or different place to eat. Perhaps something off the regular track. Turned off the Interstate at Three Rivers.

For me, Choke Canyon is famous for bass fishing. Some years ago, there was an image of an alligator gar, close to a boat, and the fish was over six feet long. Another buddy kept a trailer at the edge of the park, and he did a lot of catfish fishing, short, slip bobbers.

On a slow summer Sunday afternoon, passing through the suddenly oil-rich area in South Texas, the place looked inviting. It was also the first open place. The sign itself was a good sign, “Not fast food.”

The Ranch House Steak and Burgers in Three Rivers

Thou Shalt Not Steal

The Ranch House burgers and steaks.

Good stuff. I had a “Serrano burger,” and it took a spell, as the waiter seemed to be cooking as well, dressed in matching camo t-shirt and cap, clean, dressed.

Affable, pleasant, and courteous, the food itself was also good. Fresh beef, char-grilled, with thinly sliced Serrano peppers, “They are mild, fresh from the garden.”

Good stuff.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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