Pea Coats and Bikinis

Pea Coats and Bikinis
Birthday time, Texas Gulf Coast?
Looking over the pool area, Thanksgiving day, for those who are unaware, seeing Pea Coats and Bikinis might be odd. In South Texas? Devil’s Elbow? Not so much. Looking out, on my birthday, one observation — Pea Coats and Bikinis.

Vee Oh Five:
Remember the product? I seem to recall, maybe the same models, or same line of advertising, and this is the old-school advertising, sexy sleek models that bare no resemblance to real women. Never mind. VO5, the shampoo?

It made for sleeker hair, with more bounce, shimmer, sheen, maybe with whiter teeth and brighter breath. I can’t recall. The point was I recalled that this was premium product, at one time. Picking it up on the bottom shelf, in the grocery store on Mustang Island.

Maybe a buck, buck and a half? Wasn’t much, so it was a discounted item. I haven’t had the heart to check the date, or “use by” date, if there is one. The parent company spends a lot of R&D to find out what this week’s hot-ticket retail item. Lime-Cocoanut flower spray something.

Which wasn’t the point. I spend, usually a travel-size container, it runs 99 cents. So not much more than that for full-size bottle.

As a consumer, it works great. It really does make my hair feel better. So weird.

Smoother, silkier hair to go with Pea Coats and Bikinis.

Pea Coats and Bikinis

There was a time when I would fish in 30 or 40 degree weather with moderate winds and a slight chop.

Birthday: year older, maybe none the wiser, but who cares?

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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