Write Daily is the key to success.
I never thought about it as a routine, but that’s what this is. Writing routines and those half-finished journals — like that author, I have enough half-filled notebooks that are all destined for recycling soon.
The purpose of this web journal? There isn’t one. It is a blog, a random collection of events, some real, some imagined, some full-on fiction, and some random facts. It came to life as a web journal (kramerwetzel.com), eventually, I learned the terms “blog,” short for weblog.
The horoscopes are different, only in form. True, I use a routine for writing them, and true, they haven’t been a chore in some years, and true, I find joy doing them.
Perhaps one-tenth of the horoscopes, although that’s an optimistic number now, somewhere south of ten percent of the horoscopes are written on an iPad. The number of times I use notes from my iPhone is much, much higher. Just grabbing notes off the screen, hasty, digital scribbled notes, that could work into as much has half the horoscopes.
However, compared with this web journal? Up to three-quarters might be written on a tablet. This blog, believe it or not, is way more random.
There are several type of entries, material that is too long for horoscopes, material that is too short horoscopes. On occasion, I’ve run short fiction pieces here, as a test, see how it works. Some are more successful, some less successful, and either way, it’s a decent venue.
There are no rules.
Except, of course, I am responsible for everything on this site.
Pursuant to the fine print, of course.
Me? I write pretty much every day. Have done that for so long, I don’t know how not to do it.
Like you, I write every day. It’s such a part of me that it’s strange when I can’t. As Nike says: Just Do It!
Why your material is so interesting, well, that and you’re a Scorpio.