3. Continue to learn

    3. Continue to learn (grammar matters).

Yes, Continue to learn, and its subset? Grammar matters.

The List.

The trick, this started first, with bass fishing – the dawning realization that the endeavor has no closed end – the learning and constant improvement, refining, new theories and techniques, always some new aspect hitherto untried.

In my professional life, that’s one of the parts of astrology and doing astrology readings that I so dearly love, there is always new stuff to learn. The stars are in the same places, but the energies, expanding and expounding? No end in sight; always new stuff to learn.

With blogging, every day, what I learned was that I needed to learn more about grammar. No single degree, pieces of paper I’ve accumulated include Rev., A.A., B.A., PhD. (hon), etc. and out of those pieces paper? What I learned was I need to be open to learning more.

Grammar guards, the split infinitive police, and various other mumblers are quick to point out flaws with my sentence structure.

I get excited. I can’t type fast enough. The correct word escapes my mind in a flurry of hasty activity.

I’ll just shrug my shoulders, “Sorry!”

The fun part is getting interested in the words themselves, meanings, origins, definitions, and proper use. I’m good with improper use.

Funny example, to me, I was listening to the voice in my head dictate, and I typed “formally,” which, if you understand, is a version of “formal.” What I meant was, “formerly,” as in place before, and the hardest part, even looking it over before it got sent to the printer? It sounded right.

Like I’ve suggested, this is an ongoing learning experience.

Fishing, astrology, or just writing every day. Have to keep learning, and grammar does matter.

    3. Continue to learn (grammar matters).


About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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