Credit Cards & Fees

Credit Cards & Fees

The Ubiquitous “plastic,” these days, the associated fees – Credit Cards & Fees, this should be filed uner the heading, “The cost of business.”

I got a rebate in the form of a Visa card. $100 rebate for a new service, not related.

I took that charge and split that card, $50 via the dongle and SquareUp, then $50 via Flint.

Transaction fees varied, with Flint charging $0.99 and Square costing $1.38 –

Square’s deposit showed up a few hours earlier, but not ahead by much. As far as ease? Dongle currently beats scanning it in, but again, not by much.

While I deplore a plethora of payment gateways, as that renders this business untenable with too many choices, the simpler idea is that each one serves a purpose, with Flint being slightly cheaper but kind of limited on larger transactions, and just a tad bit less friendly, as the gateway only works on Visa/MC at this point, and no dongle means keying in a few numbers.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at