

As a child of a certain age, I got measles, mumps, and chicken pox, I’m pretty sure. I also got all the vaccinations I was supposed to.

Okay, so the connection between vaccines and autism is largely drawn upon one report that has been proven to be false, with Wakefield losing a medical license in the fallout.

So there’s no credible evidence between vaccines and autism, right?

With no connection, then it’s safe to suggest that overwhelming evidence supports the decision process, now. Get vaccinated.

Some years ago, I listened while one cousin talked about the Great Flu Epidemic of 1917, and apparently, we lost family members at that time. Family lore isn’t always reliable, but every year as long as her mother – my aunt – was alive, that side of the family got a flu shot. Five or six cousins, I think, all still very much alive.

I’ve vacillated over getting the shot, and some years, I just got one to keep my own mother quiet. However, if I stop and reflect, what is now a simple shot with zero long-term downside in 1,000 out of 1,000 cases, I’m figuring it is worth it.

While I am not part of the debate, my health insurance, the county, and even most public health outlets cover the vaccines.

These are covered by insurance. Insurance is driven by profit. There are fewer problems, and I’m sure the insurance industry can back this up with acturary tables, there are fewer payouts for real complications from vaccines when compared to the cost of getting vaccinated. It’s preventable. Beats being treated.

Remember, the original source for the link betwen vaccines and autism has proven to be fiction. Think about the outcry.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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