Apple SE Moniker

Apple SE Moniker

Today, Apple introduced the rumored iPhone SE.

Back in the good, old days, I had a Mac Plus. I moved from that to a Macinotsh II, the early open architecture machine. Eventually, I added the speed booster, and hot-rodded the chip set. Over–clocking the chip.

Them lacking speed and preferring the smaller footprint, when the Macintosh II became a Mac IIx, and when the Mac Plus heir apparent, the Mac SE was upgraded with a way-faster chip? Macintosh SE/30? Essentially, it was a Mac Plus with Mac IIx chipset, and the littler one ran faster because it wasn’t pushing color graphics.

I got one of those. Was the workhouse of a machine. That machine had several homes, and some guy on the inter-webs is still using one like mine for a server or something. I always wanted to call it, “Macintosh SEx,” but modesty forbade it at the time.

Still haven’t fugured out where the designation comes from, “SE” — what does it mean?

In Pro Se?


About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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