Much Ado About Nothing

Much Ado About Nothing

Previous commentary?

Here, better yet, here, or perhaps here.

And the cop? Dogberry.

Much Ado About Nothing

I’m pretty familiar with the play, as I’ve seen it staged several times, then the movie versions, so yeah, pretty familiar with its script. Benedict and Beatrice, a merry war of wits, and so on. The prior evening, I commented to one actress, having seen her the year before, how she’s adaptable and quite good with the language. She had a bit part in Henry V, and this year, the plum, the cherry in the Shakespeare milkshake? Beatrice.

Much Ado About Nothing

In performance, Much Ado About Nothing, University of Texas / Winedale.

As good as she is, the show was stolen by Benedict. Started with a line, as he entered the first time, sounding like a typical college-age person, that elongated, “What?” Only, longer, with, like 15 syllables. A roll of the eyes.

He stole the show and made it his. To be sure, the funniest, during a tender kiss, he goes in for tongue and his face slides off her face. Yeah, no love lost between actors.

Much Ado About Nothing

Which goes to prove what skill the actors in this year’s crop have, how so very good they are. As a critic, one who can’t but can mock, as a critic, I tend to find the best versions of Much Ado have palpable chemistry between the players. What was so amusing, to me, there seemed to be an actual lack of chemistry between the two main roles — but on stage? It worked really well. I was sold.

That’s really good work.

Much Ado About Nothing

Dogberry, always a choice cameo, in the right hands, and while the actress playing the part doesn’t compare to Beetlejuice, she did make it her own. Love it when the lines are recited perfectly. No, not recited. I can recite; she acted.

Much Ado About Nothing, University of Texas / Winedale

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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