Political Disagreements

Political Disagreements

Fishing buddy, Monday before the historical election, stopped off at certain sporting goods chain and picked up a new firearm. Then, he bribed his kids with candy, “Not to tell mommy that daddy bought a new gun.”

I fill in as grand-parent like role model because, apparently, I am more stable (don’t laugh) that some real blood kin.

His kids are really joyful for me to be around because, as wee ones, they are just too honest. Raised with love and thoughtful parents, while me and my buddy are sharply at different ends of the political spectrum, we agree on certain matters, and my apparent stability is a positive factor.

With our politics, there is very little middle ground.

We were laughing about the election. I heard he bought a new gun — that his kids couldn’t keep a secret for two hours, and that my buddy bought the gun (legally, background check, &c.) because he was sure prices would skyrocket and availability would shrink — after the election, after “Hillary” took office. Not who my buddy voted for, I might add. As I inferred, we are at opposite ends of the political spectrum.

We were laughing over the weekend, think he was more surprised than I was at the outcome of the election. My buddy was gearing up for a now non-existent fight.

We tend to agree to disagree about certain political agendas.

While it is our right as American citizens to protest, to gather in groups and make a noise, yes, it is our right, that doesn’t always suggest it should devolve into an armed conflict. That makes us no better than our enemies.

I like listening to this one fishing buddy with his right-wing, gun-nut, conspiracy theory arguments because he is thoughtful, patient, well-read, and willing to discuss, not argue, discuss points.

“Disagreement is not weakness.”


Really liked her wordsLibra — figures.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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