New Mexico, Part 1

New Mexico, Part 1

It was a book I read, last month? Yeah, couple of months before. The novel is set in TorC, which, if one is native, or “native neighbor,” one understands that it’s pronounced “Tee-er-See.” Just observed.

While I’ve also observed this with my adopted home of San Antonio, the sense is that people come and go, as do human structures, and the land remains its enchanted self.

Truth or Consequences, little town situated more or less in the middle of the state? Named for a TV game show, with the town’s original name being a more descriptive, “Hot Springs.”

Working for 25 years in and around El Paso (TX), which would include its weird non-suburb, Las Cruces (NM)? That’s how I heard about the miraculous, healing hot springs, and stumbled into the little resort up there.

Fishing, too, fishing at the “Butt,” or as the map calls, “Elephant Butte Lake.” That’s how I discovered the places there. Local lore, because I graduated high school not far from there,

New Mexico, Part 1

V6 Coffee BarThis was just a post-Saturn-conjunct-Pluto visit.

Sliding along the two and four lane state highway, to me, the low road, sort of following the Rio Grande? The last 30 miles into Marathon, the first stop, that last stretch, out past Sanderson, it always feels so familiar. Been this way before, feels like, many times.

One morning in Marathon? Next to the historic Gage Hotel, there’s a coffee shop, currently called V6. I guess. Stepping inside to refill coffee cups, I ordered a single shot of espresso. The person behind the counter had a spooky resonance for me. Virgo. She was a doppelgänger — sign, footwear, attire, lonely coffee shop on a forgotten highway, beauty, not quite feral, surrounded by natural, arid splendor.

First thought?


I asked.

I’d say it spooked me but it didn’t. Just verified a “feeling,” a premonition. The rest of the list? I was also wondering why the sign, looking out through the window, the name V6 looked like a Capricorn glyph. Saturn and Pluto, conjunct. Glad Aquarius got started.
It’s still a long way to T or C.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at