Quarter Century

It’s a quarter century mark

First weekly, live on the web, July 16, 1995.

I had a beat up Ford pickup with hundred plus thousand miles on it, long-bed, six-cylinder. It was me and my fat cat, in an old apartment in the midst of what was sketchy neighborhood. Old Austin.

With my propensity to burst into a passage from Shakespeare, and a desire to be as minimally attired as possible, those are the roots, the point of inception.

Quarter Century

Love, luck, loss.

Sounds a lot like a country song.

Quarter Century

There’s the first shot at a weekly horoscope, served on the web from July 16, 1995.

That’s a proto-blog post from July, 1995.

A pandemic lockdown brings up revelatory memories.

Long hair, shorts, sandals, casual attitude. Not much has changed?

Those two posts, near the same week? Both were probably written in Microsoft Word (6 I’m guessing), and then copied into Claris Emailer, which, to go even further, was connected to an AOL account. Life was complicated, then.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.