Vote by Mail in Texas
With a valiant burst of hope, I submitted an application to Vote by Mail in Texas. Good news is the speedy reply, compliant with all terms.
The bad news, then, for me?
I don’t qualify.
Not over 65, not disabled, not in jail. Not living with a relative, either.
The age, can’t be disputed, have to be born in or before 1955. Rules me out
- That’s one.
While, on more than one occasion, my mental capacity has been questioned, as in, “Why are you not in a facility?” Seriously, the answer is, I can’t qualify as disabled in any sake of the word, other than being male.1
- That’s two.
Again owing to years and years of fans and flames, jokes and japes, it leads to the question of incarceration. Yeah, not in jail, and frankly, I’m so legal I have to jay-walk some days to keep my street credit as an outlaw; which, as observed, I’m not. I play by all the rules, these days. Not because I’m some paragon of virtue, no, I just discovered I was averse to the pain caused by the breaking of the rules.
- That’s three.
Vote by Mail in Texas
I didn’t say it was right, and I don’t even want to tilt at a windmill that I can do nothing to change.
My sister, in this question, she’s useful for two observations:
- We have a deep-rooted, intrinsic, and fundamental — likely genetic — call to vote. As noted before, I’ve voted in every presidential election since I was eligible to vote. Sister claims it was our dad who instilled that calling. Consider it civic duty.
- Our mother was arguing a point, and my sister looked at my mom, and asked, “Is that the hill you want to die on?” Rather brazenly barbaric, unceremoniously combative, but a valid point.
My summary is simple enough, although I could — humorously enough — qualify for a mail-in ballot, in Texas? Probably can’t. I can vote early as soon as the polls open but until then?
At least I tried.
Rumor has it that Texas has some of the most draconian laws in the land, concerning voting, and rights.
Terms and conditions?
Vote by Mail in Texas

- Old joke about the male chromosome, XY, being a broken version of the female chromosome, XX.
The male is just a broken female, but such observation, and joke, nowadays? Not as well received. Even hurtful, to some. ↩