Vote by Mail in Texas

Vote by Mail in Texas

With a valiant burst of hope, I submitted an application to Vote by Mail in Texas. Good news is the speedy reply, compliant with all terms.

The bad news, then, for me?

I don’t qualify.

Not over 65, not disabled, not in jail. Not living with a relative, either.

The age, can’t be disputed, have to be born in or before 1955. Rules me out

  1. That’s one.

While, on more than one occasion, my mental capacity has been questioned, as in, “Why are you not in a facility?” Seriously, the answer is, I can’t qualify as disabled in any sake of the word, other than being male.1

  1. That’s two.

Again owing to years and years of fans and flames, jokes and japes, it leads to the question of incarceration. Yeah, not in jail, and frankly, I’m so legal I have to jay-walk some days to keep my street credit as an outlaw; which, as observed, I’m not. I play by all the rules, these days. Not because I’m some paragon of virtue, no, I just discovered I was averse to the pain caused by the breaking of the rules.

  1. That’s three.

Vote by Mail in Texas

I didn’t say it was right, and I don’t even want to tilt at a windmill that I can do nothing to change.

My sister, in this question, she’s useful for two observations:

  1. We have a deep-rooted, intrinsic, and fundamental — likely genetic — call to vote. As noted before, I’ve voted in every presidential election since I was eligible to vote. Sister claims it was our dad who instilled that calling. Consider it civic duty.
  2. Our mother was arguing a point, and my sister looked at my mom, and asked, “Is that the hill you want to die on?” Rather brazenly barbaric, unceremoniously combative, but a valid point.

My summary is simple enough, although I could — humorously enough — qualify for a mail-in ballot, in Texas? Probably can’t. I can vote early as soon as the polls open but until then?

At least I tried.

Rumor has it that Texas has some of the most draconian laws in the land, concerning voting, and rights.

Terms and conditions?

Vote by Mail in Texas

Vote by Mail
  1. Old joke about the male chromosome, XY, being a broken version of the female chromosome, XX.

    The male is just a broken female, but such observation, and joke, nowadays? Not as well received. Even hurtful, to some.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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