Finally Available

Finally Available

Kramer’s little book of astrology transits

My “little book of transits” is finally going to see real light of the day. In time for Xmas? New Moon is December 14, near sunrise. Playing with the “best of available times,” while not ideal, or near-perfect, it’s as good as I can get.

The book itself is in its “final beta form,” or as good as I can get without arranging any further input. Time to hit “publish.” See what happens.

Draft Cover

It is a text culled from near 30 years of experience, looking at people and transits, trying to condense and convey useful data in manner that is applicable, concise, and direct.

Current plans include three buying options: Amazon for hard copy, priced at $9.99 (maybe two dollars too high, but I need to make something), then a Kindle version for $2.99 and an Apple Books version for 99 cents. That cheapest digital version? That’s like $1.07 with tax, locally. That the Kindle version should also be available on the Kindle Unlimited, or Prime Books, or whatever, but I haven’t checked back yet.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at