

Leaving the last gig, there’s a coterie of female friends, cohorts, vendors, associated accomplices, i.e., people who work alongside me.

I know they’re all moms, maybe half-dozen or dozen kids spread out between, three or four of them1. I questioned them all at once, through a face mask.

“Ya’ll are all moms, do you know anyone who got sick from eating raw cookie dough?”

See? This is the problem with our litigious societal structure: not enough raw cookie dough.

See the fineprint for details, limitations, and exclusions.

  1. Begs the questions, “Do you know where the kids are coming from?”

    The stock answer, from old Austin?

    “I didn’t get pregnant until I moved to Austin, so I’m pretty sure there’s something in the water.”

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

  • Liebe Wetzel Dec 2, 2020 @ 14:04

    Lol Im pretty sure it’s in the water. How else could we be related? Love your little sister

  • Mom Dec 2, 2020 @ 15:12

    Raw dough is a vegetarian dish. Love your mother

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