BBQ Recommendations

Quick note for Sister, she let me know, “Hey, I’ve got some friends headed to Austin, best places for BBQ?”

The holy trinity of BBQ was long-established as Lockhart, a few minutes south and east of Austin. The way it works out? You can probably catch a whiff of the BBQ, winging into the new airport.

Black’s is the best, longest in a single family, and tradition is important. As is quality, so that’s the place to start, Black’s in Lockhart.

Sidebar note, Black’s in New Braunfels is equally good, the tradition carries forward, and it’s odd, Rudy’s bailed on the location, so the Black’s family opened in the old Rudy’s location, easy access, and the quality is on par with the original.

So hit Black’s in Lockhart, then try Floyd’s. The name on the sign is “Chisholm Trail,” but locals always referred to it as “Floyd’s” because it was opened and run by Floyd, who worked at one of the family places until he realized that it was never going to be passed to him, so he opened his own. Used to be famous for loaves of homemade bread in addition to smoked meaty goodness.

Finally, the legendary destination, Kreuz’s (pronounced Krites). After 99 years in one location and one family, there was a horrible rift, family politics, and corporate ugliness. That’s what I was told, never fact-checked. Bubba has reportedly assured me that Black’s is better — it’s where the locals go.

I recall something about eating at Kreuz’s, no silverware? Or forks chained to tables? Can’t recall. The original location, different branch of the family, not sure. Tourist are impressed, but then tourists are easy to impress.

In Lockhart, Black’s, then “Floyd’s”, finishing up at Kreuz?

But in Austin? Eschew the tourist crap, and head over to the original Green Mesquite BBQ on Barton Springs.

Again, I trust a guy named “bubba” for all my BBQ news. The original owner retired, and sold it to handful of employees, last time I was there, shades of the old trailer park, now paved over, but the BBQ place is still there, still smoking the good stuff. Cook emerged from the kitchen, nodded “hello,” and went back to work.

Trailer parks, all gone, and no more migrant astrologers who show up reeking of Barton Creek, still damp on warm summer days, but the food, the BBQ?

Always did recommend the Tuesday deal: Two-Meat Plate. BBQ so good no sauce is required.

Two-Meat Tuesday

Two-Meat Tuesday

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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