Rhetoric, Violence, and Reprisals

Rhetoric, Violence, and Reprisals

That didn’t go well. For the third or fourth time, individual events gets charged with meaning, then the politicians roll in to make statements.

In a recent round of unverified sources reporting, the local figurehead of a governor — very publicly — takes a stand on an issue, in such a manner, and with such timing, just looks suspect. Caught the news cycle just right with no chance to verify claims.

In my own fashion, tone deaf again, I lead with an innocuous short about it being an ironic sad, sad day.

Rhetoric, Violence, and Reprisals

I mentioned this material, earlier, in response to one of the recent shootings.

What the planets do? They suggest a point where there is a stress, astrological stress, so to speak.

Highlighted in the chart? Two items are circled, Mars at 21° Gemini and Neptune at 21° Pisces. Creates a tension angle. Trouble. Trouble is brewing. More poignant, or as an added chaser? The Moon is in Pisces. Next slice of the chart, over one? Aries.

Apr 8 2021

Apr 8 2021

Mercury, Chiron, Sun, Venus in Aries. But more to the point? While it’s an age-old observation of mine, having to do with the phase of the moon, the simplest way to express it? When the Moon is in the sign before it goes “new,” that’s the time to watch for heightened tensions about perceptions.

None of this adds up well, but what is so often the case? It’s an example of a single person’s reaction to perceived pressure.

Real or imagined.

Therein is the problem.

Rhetoric, Violence, and Reprisals

Twenty-eight degrees — add that to the infernal mix. Saturn and Jupiter are currently in the fixed sign of Aquarius, liberally applying that extra level of unnecessary tension, just to make matters worse?

I still look tone deaf at the moment.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at KramerWetzel.com.

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