Coffee in Clovis

Coffee in Clovis

Clovis CoffeeBlackwater Coffee in Clovis, NM. It’s a coffee shop, and sort of on the way home. The phone offered three routes, at the outset, and Clovis, quickest place with possible coffee. Looked like the shortest route, but only by minutes and not even two-dozen miles — “You Mileage May Vary.”

As every trip offers an adventure, and that slick website promised quality coffee.

The website pointed to Red Rock Roasters coffee paired with — avocado toast. And accessories, coffee ephemera. Abstract art, an upscale feeling of ahead of Starbucks, with the added bonus of a superior coffee.

“Money won’t buy happiness, but it will buy coffee, and that’s close enough.”

The first cup was just a shot of espresso, excellent crema, wondrous flavor for diminutive shot of caffeine. Croissant was buttery, and the dash of herb salt added a touch of zest to the mashed avocado.

Grabbed a couple of Americanos to go, fuel for the road, “Eastbound and down,” as the song goes.

Crossed the Texas line in Texico, and that coffee shop led to a long discourse about the Clovis Culture, and I don’t have many pointers for that, other than it was the original name for humans inhabiting the area, according to archeological studies, roughly 13,500 to 15,000 years back. Name derived from the first spear points that were found, on the road from Clovis to Portales.

My thumbnail understanding is that an archeological dig in the Clovis area, hence the name, “Clovis Culture,” turned up a kind, a style, of arrowheads and similar rock tools, with that the dating from geological and other methods, put the human settlers at up to 15,000 years BCE.

I don’t “research” some of this stuff too closely, and it’s only a tertiary reference, but still, I recall the name, “The Clovis People.”

Years later, there was passing reference to a “find” in the Salado area, and subsequent searching undercover its name as Buttermilk Creek Complex. That I recall from popular media, like reading a newspaper, only, probably, online.

Data points, more like a scatter grid rather than graph, not really much about “Clovis Coffee Culture,” but how I got to a coffee shop, along the eastern border of New Mexico, and what it means.

Coffee in Clovis

To me? The coffee well-worth the excursion. That and it was the shortest route.

Clovis Coffee
  • Clovis Culture (link)
  • Clovis Points (link)
  • Salado Dig (link)

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at

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