Secret Sauce

Secret Sauce

I’ve got an uncle, or great uncle, or — I’m totally unsure of the connection, familial, of some sort, not blood kin, but “family” to be sure.

His FaceBook feed is full of adventure travel and accolades, and his story is interesting, to me. Aries, not that it matters, Aquarius wife — called my aunt, but that’s a loose affiliation for the appellation. Family, and with my family? Accuracy is not verified.

Truth? Truth isn’t even an issue.

Secret Sauce

So this aunt and uncle are heavy into a particularly well-known MLM — a structured, has a sports stadium named after it, brand of cleaning supplies, tires, diamonds and lord-only-knows what else. The family lore, and I’ve heard it from my uncle before, the lore was that he started this in college, working his way through school, as a part-time gig, and never looked back. Graduated, but never took a “real” job, and for that generation, it is a bit unusual.

I wanted to understand the Secret Sauce, the recipe for his success. I joined, ordered a starter kit, discovered — for me — the lore and corporate culture didn’t work with me. Still, I wanted his secret to success, well, part of his secret is bright, capable wife from West Texas, sure, but there was more to it.

I followed him on various feeds, tracked his nascent social media exploit, and still wondered. I helped market a healthy herbal supplement, MLM, but I never got the promised success, and while I got the benefits, I never made a single penny.

Secret Sauce

The Secret Sauce in my uncle’s business? Hard work and dedication. It’s that simple. There is no secret ingredient that makes people line up and buy.

Hard work. Determination. A fervent belief in the product itself, but not to the point of evangelizing, or proselytizing.

The Secret Sauce contains:

  1. Hard work
  2. Determination
  3. Faith
  4. Dedication
  5. Hard Work
  6. Cheerful
  7. Helpful
  8. Hard work

The recurrent theme was not to be afraid of hard work. As an inherently lazy Sagittarius myself, I’m not afraid of had work, just an adept at avoiding it when possible.

Still, the Secret Sauce for success?

Secret Sauce for Success?

Hard work.

Secret Sauce

I recall, at an early age, the concept and definition of luck: “Good luck is when hard work and preparation meet opportunity.” Something like that.

Agin, that special ingredient? Hard Work.

I’m starting to sense a pattern here.

About the author: Born and raised in a small town in East Texas, Kramer Wetzel spent years honing his craft in a trailer park in South Austin. He hates writing about himself in third person. More at